Chapte 21 - Time Goes By, So Slowly..

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Chapter 21 – Time goes by, so slowly

“Ice cream?” Niall questioned.

“What?” I asked, staring at him from across the room.

We had been sitting on ground in the guitar room for at least half an hour now, both of us at least 5 guitars surrounding us, playing and strumming on them without reason. I had settled down on the ground against one of the amps that were located around the room, Niall seated across from me, my sock covered feet almost touching his white supra’s. My heels were on the other side of the room, decorating an amp, as they were hurting too much. Niall had chuckled as I had taken them off, but I didn’t mind. I was a sneaker girl anyway.

“Ice cream” Niall stated, getting this goofy smile on his face. I chuckled softly, shaking my head.

“We’re in a recording studio. Where in fudgecake do you want to get ice cream from?” I asked, tilting my head.

Niall smiled evilly, pushing the guitar off of his lap and got up. He quickly walked over to me, stretching out his hands like before to help me up. I narrowed my eyes at him, before placing my feet on the ground and letting him hoist me up.

2 seconds later I was standing next to him again, a smile on my face as his hands made more tingles run up and down my arm. Niall lead the way out of the room, into the hallway and towards the other end of the hallway, where another black door blocked the way.

“They can’t have a studio without this room. I won’t show up if there isn’t any food around” Niall smiled, opening the door to a cute little cafeteria. A view tables and chairs were placed through the room, a little breakfast bar against the right wall and a view machines against the back. The room was dark, but the light coming from the machines was enough to light the room, the humming of the vending machines giving off a cozy feeling.

Niall smiled widely, before walking over towards the breakfast bar and stepping behind it, opening a cabinet lower down. Light immediately appeared behind it, making me smile as I sat down on one of the chairs.

“Strawberry, Chocolate, vanilla or cookie dough” Niall asked, the sudden loudness of his voice taking me by surprise for a second.

“All 4” I answered smiling, earning a chuckle from Niall. A view seconds later the light went out and Niall made his way over to me again.

Niall’s P.O.V.

My hands instantly turned cold as I carried the four cups of ice cream over to the table Jules had sat down at, but I didn’t mind. Even though we both already had desserts at the restaurant, it was never too late to have ice cream.

And I mean never, ever too late for ice cream!

Or any snack for that matter.

I placed the cups down on the table, together with the spoons and sat down on chair across from Jules. Her eyes lit up as she looked at the cans in front of her, before opening the strawberry and taking a generous spoonful, bringing it to her mouth and smiling even wider.

“God I love ice cream” she mumbled, half of her mouth still filled with ice cream, making me chuckle. I followed her lead, opening the cookie dough can and taking a bite of my own.

We stayed silent for a little while, something that happened more and more often these past few hours. Both of us got lost in our own train of thoughts, our motions going on automatic pilot as we sunk deeper away from reality. After a while, one of us would snap out of it, realizing what happened, making both of us smile.

But for right now, we were both still emerged in our own thoughts, absentmindedly scooping ice cream into our mouths as we stared at room around us.

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