Chapter 2 - meet the rest..

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Chapter 2 – Meet the rest..

This class was 2 hours in a row, giving me time to do different things. My head was nowhere near the teacher in front of me, but luckily he didn’t noticed it.

English was one of the most boring classes of the entire week, but fortunately I was good at it. Paying attention once every hour was enough to know what the old teacher was talking about, and for me to know what to do.

It took me a little over 10 minutes to figure out that my best friend Noëll was no where in sight. Mostly she was the first person to show up in class, chatting away but not today.

Noëll and I met about 6 years ago, in the 7th grade. She was new to school, and like me, not very popular. Through an incident in PE, we became friends and that stayed that way. Noëll knew everything about me, and vice verse. At least once a week we spend the afternoon together, talking about everything we liked, everything that happened when we were away from each other, and everything that bothered us. She was more like a sister than a friend, and after a view weeks, I couldn’t picture school without her.

At home, she fit in flawlessly. My mom in a way adopted her, and never minded when she was over. It wasn’t uncommon that an extra plate was set at the table as soon as she entered the front door.

At her home it was the same. She grew up in a close family, with an older sister and her parents. There were even moments that I felt more at home there, than at my own house, just because her parents were so much nicer. They even nicknamed us, Mary-Kate and Ashley, just because we sometimes acted like twins. In our eyes, a big complement. And in my eyes, a dream I wish came true.

Just as I pulled my phone out of my pocket to text her, the door was pulled open and she appeared in the door opening. Mr. Bennett looked over to her, annoyed, and then sighted. ‘So miss Evans, where did you come from’.  Noëll smiled guilty and looked around the classroom.

‘Dentist sir. Already had my absent paper signed at the reception’ she replied, giving him the pink paper

Her answer took Mr. Bennett of guard and he quickly nodded, receiving the paper.

‘Okay. Well, take a seat miss Evans. Class already started’.

Noëll nodded and quickly walked towards one of the front booths. Unfortunately everything was already filled, so she couldn’t catch me up on what really happened.

A few seconds later my phone buzzed. ‘Noell’ appeared on the screen and I quickly opened her message.

Ran into your brother, he asked me about you.. weird. Tell you about it later. ;). Xx

Confused I read the text a view times, and in the mean time trying to make eye contact with Noëll, but every time she turned around, Mr Bennett seemed to see it.

Okay, what did he want? Doesn’t make sense.. xx

I quickly texted back, keeping my eyes on her back.

Eventually I gave up, got my ear phones out of my bag and plugged them into my phone. Quickly I looked up my One Direction playlist and pushed play. After glancing over to Mr. Bennett I leaned back, and started doodling on the paper in front of me.

I wasn’t a major fan of One Direction, I left that part to Noëll, but there music was good, and at times the only songs I could relate to. As the first verse man Liam (as we called him, since he started almost every song) started singing I closed my eyes for a second. God I loved these songs.

The music was my way of getting through classes, ore getting my thoughts in a row. There were my way out of this insane world.  

Before I knew it, the blank paper in front of me was full with little drawings, some worse than the other, and class was almost over. Mr. Bennett started writing the homework on the chalk board and I quickly copied it into my notebook. The homework I did, just to not get that far behind.

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