6: Leaving the World Behind

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Check out The Prophecy By: lspearson it's awesome

The next morning and headed to the front lobby, there was always someone manning the desk because people tended to come in at all hours. Instead of the little old lady, there was a younger dark skinned woman, with curly hair and beautiful brown eyes. She looked up at them with her big doe eyes when they approached her.

"May I help you?" she asked politely.

"Yes, I left a phone up here when I came in the other day," Kyla responded, sitting her backpack on the floor.

"What's your name?"


"Okay, give me a minute I'll have to go check in the locker," she said standing up.

"Thanks," Kyla said, before taking a seat in one of the three chairs in the lobby.

Jen and Josiah came to sit beside her, "Are you as nervous as I am?"

"I'm trying not to think about it," Kyla answered.

The curly haired woman came back to the desk, cell phone in hand, "Here you go," she said handing it over.

"Thank you. Do you mind if we sit here while we wait for our ride?"

"Of course not," she responded.

Kyla returned to her chair and dialed the number for the taxi service. They told her one would be there in about fifteen minutes. She relayed the new to Jen then stared at the floor and fiddled with her bag strap.

A short while later it pulled up at the front door. They stood up, shouldered their packs, and headed outside. They tried to stay low and hidden behind the taxi without looking too suspicious in case her fiance was watching. At least if he was, he was expecting a single woman not two women and a child.

It was about an hour ride to their destination, an old rundown gas station in the middle of nowhere. The driver asked if they needed him to wait on them, but Kyla assured him someone was waiting on them inside the store. They paid him and he left without a backwards glance. Kyla hoped he'd quickly forget them in case Mark came across him later.

A little unsure what to do now they stood outside checking out their surroundings. The dirt, trash, and cigarette butts was unimpressive. When Josiah's tummy rumbled they decided to go inside the gas station and search for some form of breakfast. To their surprise the store actually had a small kitchen, and even though it was still a bit early they were already serving food. Kyla ordered them two bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits and one sausage from the tall man wearing a hair net. Jen went in search of something to drink while he got their orders ready.

"Should I get something to drink?" Jen asked over her shoulder, as she headed towards the coolers.

"Yes, three gatorades and three bottles of water unless y'all want something different."

"Sounds good to me, but I'll probably get Josiah an orange juice."

"Okay," Kyla said, smiling back at her. She was starting to feel a little more at ease now that they were so close to freedom.

Kyla collected their biscuits and followed Jen up to the register to pay.

"Are you okay to walk and eat or do you want to sit?" Kyla asked, as they exited the store.

"Ummm, Josiah probably needs to sit," Jen answered, pointing to a couple of picnic benches that looked close to falling apart.

"Sure," Kyla answered and headed towards them.

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