13:A New Perspective

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"Well thankfully your back is going to heal up just fine." The hunter told Kyla the next day.

"Good so I guess you'll be leaving soon then." Kyla responded.

"Don't know we'll see."

"No we won't, you're leaving."

"Just get some rest Kyla, then we'll talk about it, who knows you might decide I should stick around." He said chuckling.

"I highly doubt that, but I probably should get some rest, this isn't over."

"Hey, what's your name any way?" She asked as he started to leave the den.

"Adahy, but my friends call me Adam, it's just easier for them." Then he turned to leave.

"Well I'll call you Adahy."

He shivered at the sound of his name on her lips, it was more startling because no one ever called him by his actual name. Most people probably didn't even know his actual name, he thought as he walked outside without responding to her.

Lily was making Kyla some tea, so Adahy offered to check the snares for her.

"Will you take the pup with you? He needs the exercise."Lily asked him.

"Yeah, does the little guy have a name?"

"Not yet, we've been trying to find something suitable."

"You could always call him Wa-ya, it means wolf in Cherokee." He told her.

"Huh I like that, what do you think Moses?"

"I like it." Moses answered without looking up from his toys.

After coming back with the days catch from the snares be decided to take his bow and get them some fresh meat, he knew these woods were teeming with deer. He'd bright his bow with him when he came back with the bandages. He had chosen to bring his bow this time thinking it would make the women more at ease, if he didn't have a gun.

"I'm going to go hunting, y'all are going to need more meat to make it through winter." Adahy told Lily.

"Can I go with you, please please please?" Moses said running up to them.

"Oh honey I don't know about that."

" I don't mind if he comes, I'll take good care of him." Lily stared into his eyes for a moment trying to decide if he was trustworthy.

"Well, okay."

"Yay thank you mommy." he said jumping up and down.

After Adahy and Moses left, Lily went to get a shirt she'd been working on for Moses out of the den. Moses's birthday was in a couple days and she was making him another shirt. But this one had feathers hanging all over it of all kinds, it was very pretty. She really wanted to attach the mountain lions canines to it, but she couldn't figure out how.

Suddenly Lily had an idea she went and got Kyla's pocket knife, then put it towards the tip of the tooth, she sat there pushing down and twisting it in a circle. It would take awhile but eventually it would make a whole through it.

Adahy and Moses were crouched behind a couple downed trees, they were watching a boar root around for something to eat. He pulled back on his bow and let his arrow fly it buried itself in the boars shoulder. But it didn't go in far enough, the hog turned in their direction and charged. Quickly Adahy nocked another arrow took aim and let it loose. It went through the boar's eyes this time, making the boar collapse about a foot from the dead trees they were behind.

If Adahy hadn't been using a bow since he was 12 he might have been worried about missing. Then the boar, would have went pummeling right into them. He looked over at Moses who was staring at the pig wide eyed, mouth agape in wonder. Adahy slit the pigs throat so the blood could drain out after a couple minutes, they started back.

When they got back to the den Moses went running to his mother, who quickly hid the shirt she was working on in a basket. He told her all about what happened, he was just boiling over with excitement. Lily's face filled with worry but she didn't say anything.

Adahy sat by the fire and started skinning and cleaning the hog.

"I can do that, you killed it." Lily said as she approached him.

"I've got it but if you won't I'll need more wood to cook it."

"Okay." She said and hurried off to get it for him.

Adahy made a spit and put a big piece of meat over the fire to cook, then started slicing the rest up to put on the drying rack, throwing Wa-ya the bones to clean. When he was done he went inside to check on Kyla, he finding her propped up on her elbow trying making Moses some shoes.

"They would serve a better purpose if you made them from a single piece of leather."

"And how do I do that?" She asked looking up at him

"You have to bring up the sole of the shoe around the foot, and patch the material around the ankle. Making them this way, they are called soft sole moccasins. They're usually used for travel so they should last awhile."

"Huh, well okay, I guess I could try that."

"I will have to get you a deer, there hide is best, and then you will have enough for all three of you a pair."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Suppers cooking when it's done I'll bring you some."

She nodded, and he walked out to check the meat.

Lily came back with the wood then went into the den, when she came back out she gave him some herbs to put on the meat.

"Thank you, it would have been better to put it in before I started cooking but it'll still work. Had I known y'all had something...., well I should have asked."

"You're welcome."

He went and put the herbs on the meat.

When the meat got done everyone ate until they were stuffed, truthfully they'd become a bit tired of fish and rabbit all the time.

Soon after it became dark, Lily and Moses went in to bed, Adahy lay down by the fire. The wolf pup came and curled up next to him, they no longer locked it inside being he had no interest in running off now.

The mare came and carefully lay beside him, God she's fat he thought wondering what she must be eating. He stared up at the stars while petting Wa-ya until he fell asleep.

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