Chapter 1

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     You quickly open your (e/c) eyes to find yourself with a rag around your mouth, preventing you from making noise. You look around you, and you are in a basically empty room, no windows, just a light on the ceiling and a pole in the middle you're apparently chained to. You suddenly realize your situation and see that you are chained my your ankle to the pole, and start thrashing and muffling screams. They door slowly opens, and you see a silhouette standing right outside. You can tell it's another troll, with the long, curving goat ho- wait...

     "HeY mOtHeRfUcKeR," You are greeted by a familiar tone of voice... Deep and strong, yet raspy from drugs, "YoU fUcKiN wOkE uP. bOuT tImE." You're sure now... this is Gamzee.

     And just as you thought, Gamzee walks forward a bit into the light so you can now see his face. It's... different, though. He has three long scratches along his face, the purple-shaded blood has started to scab. It's recent though. "(y/n)SiS, i'Ve BeEn WaItInG fOr YoU, lAsT bItCh Didn't dO sO wElL..."

     You face flushes a bright (b/c) all across your face and you stutter a bit. "p-PERVERT!" What happened to the Gamzee you knew? He wasn't like this at all. Wait, is that... Nepeta's blo-

   Gamzee cuts off you thoughts almost like he can read them, "Nepeta was being stubborn..." You see him holding an olive-stained blood covered juggle. You start to panic and try to back away, but Gamzee grabs you by just above your waist. "AwW... dOn'T gO sIs..." He leans in close, "YoU cAn'T nOw ThAt YoU'rE mY sLaVe..." He tries to kiss you a bit on your neck but you try to pull away and, being the fighter you are, manage to kick his bone bulge out of instinct. He stumbles back frustrated and his face turning a deep purple.

     "YoU wAnT tO eNd Up LiKe ThAt LaSt BiTcH...?" He blows you a little kiss and walks out the door, closing it behind him.

K A R K A T ' S   P . O . V .

     "UUUUUGGHH..." You sigh and slowly pull yourself up and out to get something to eat. As you walk through you hive heading to your human 'kitchen' or whatever you call it... hell if you care... you yawn and stretch a bit because that's just what you do. You walk into your 'ketchup' and go to the 'bridge'... or, 'fridge', you think... and grab out some of your food shit and dig in. Still tired and looking around, you look out your window and see that it's still dark out. You sigh and groan at the same time.

     You have an incoming message from CT, Nepeta's 'meowrail'. You don't want to answer it, but you drag yourself over anyways and check the messages.

     centaursTesticle (CT) began trolling carcinoGeneticist (CG)

CT: D-> Oh, my Gog Karkat

CT: D-> I- I need a damp towel. Please.



CT: D-> No Karkat please! I- It's (y/n)! Gamzee took her and killed Nepeta!

CT: D-> Karkat please you need to help this time! You are flushed for her, am I correct?

CT: D-> Karkat I know you want her to be your Matesprit it's so obvious!

     carcinoGeneticist (CG) ceased trolling centaursTesticle (CT)

     You close the chat. You can't believe Equius just seriously just laid that shit down on the table! You know it is true but... this is the first time they've talked since- well, an assload of time.

     But he isn't the problem now... what matters is your MateSpri- er, Red Quadra- (y/n)! You have to do something first, just in case...

     Once finished with the one last thing, you bolt out of your hive and just run. Gog knows where.

( Y / N ) ' S    P . O . V .

     The next few days are absolutely terrifying for anyone to have happen to then. Gamzee is making you do all these slutty and kinky things for him, threatening to kill you if you don't. When he doesn't need you, you're chained up to the pole in the room you had waken up in.

     Luckily, you get a huge break. Well, none of this is lucky, but you get two hours to yourself not doing all the shit he makes you do. Once he closes the door, you just think. You remember when he first took you, you were just at your hive with no one else there. You were just sitting on your floor, doing whatever, when you suddenly hear raspy breathing from behind. You completely froze when you heard the words, "Does this rag smell like chlorophoam to you?" You didn't move. You could've run, and if you did, you wouldn't be here. That's what's disappointing. You could've prevented this. YOu start to tear up a bit and think about the one reason you want to get out...



Karkat x Reader x Sober GamzeeWhere stories live. Discover now