Chapter 4

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Y O U R    P . O . V .

     You thrash around, with your mouth covered with a rag once again. Your hands are sloppily cuffed to the bedpost and you try to scream. “MMMFFFMM” You try to shout Gamzee’s name, but it comes out muffled. You try a few more times, but the rag slipped inside your mouth so you can’t anymore. You decide to try and break the bedpost that you’re cuffed to, but with no luck. You resort to just thrashing around again, you;re not giving up now.

K A R K A T ' S    P . O . V . 

     “GAMZEE, LET HER GO. SHE DOESN’T DESERVE TO BE IN THIS POSTITION SHE’S IN RIGHT NOW.” You try and reason with him, but he just chuckles and begins to talk;

    “HaHa BrO… WhY cAn’T wE jUsT wOrK tHiS oUt?” He starts going a bit crazy, with that evil grin and those bloodshot eyes, “LeT’s MaKe A dEaL bRo,” He smiles even wider.

     You pause and think, “WHAT KIND OF DEAL?” You finally say stubbornly, crossing your arms.

     “If YoU cAn BeAt Me…” he pauses, “I’lL gIvE yOu YoUr PrEcIoUs (y/n) BaCk.”

    You think for a moment, trying not to act like you’ll consider it, much less show fear for not beating him. But you realize you have to do it, if you turn back now he’ll surely catch you with those long legs of his.

    You nod slowly. “DEAL.”

    He smiles like a madman. You slowly look around the room you’re in, finally noticing where you are. It just makes you more nervous.

    You see… heads. Heads of friends you haven’t heard of in the past week or so. You look to the left of the room and see Tavros’ head in a glass display case. His eyes are stitched open and has a smile made from stitches. You shiver and look a bit more down the wall. You see display case after display case, and the same sight is on the right. Overall, there are heads of Nepeta, Eridan, Kanaya, Vriska, and you gulp, Tavros. Five friends of yours. Well, they weren’t friends, but now that they’re dead, you realize how much they meant to you. You suddenly lose confidence and Gamzee sees the fear in your eyes.

    “YoU lIkE mY cOlLeCtIoN, bRo?” he smiles with those sharp teeth of his, slightly crouching over and holding a club in his left hand. You regain your confidence a little by clenching your fists and thinking of how much you love (y/n). Nothing can stop you.

    You, without thinking and filled with anger, lunge towards Gamzee and pull out your fist. You punch him in the face and he falls back down with his hair in his eyes and he smiles. He jerks his head up for you to see his violet blood dripping from his mouth and his nose, and he stands up and inches toward you, stumbling a little with every slow step. He gets to the point where he towers over you…


Y O U R    P . O . V .

     You sit as you hear a loud BAM and a CRACK and then a thud on the ground. You freeze, with tears prickling your eyes. He lost…

      You think to yourself and start to sob quietly. No, you have to push this out of your mind. Hopefully it wasn’t Karkat… maybe, Equius, or Sollux… no… it was Karkat and the thud was Gamzee. Yes, Karkat isn’t that weak… he won’t give up yet…

K A R K A T ' S    P . O . V .

     Your mind went blank. You don’t have any thought about what just happened. You can’t think at all at the moment. There is blood on the floor, an almost dead body along with it. A familiar voice…


    You can’t believe… you’re standing over a blood-covered Gamzee on the floor. You’ve won.

     It just happened all at once, there was a struggle, but somehow the club ended up in your hands and on top of Gamzee’s head. As it made impact, there was a loud CRACK along with it. It happened all too fast, though. You don’t know what came over you, but the determination you had just overpowered you and you lost all thought. But that doesn’t matter now…

     You rush up the stairs after grabbing the keys from Gamzee’s pocket. As you look from room to room, you eventually reach the one at the end of the hall.

Y O U R    P . O . V .

    You start to hear the opening and closing of doors, someone’s coming. You start to cower over the plain anxiety of who it could be, although, you almost know that its…

     “k-KARKAT?!” The door flies open and there he stands. The one person you were hoping for stands there, beat up, tired, and with blood dripping from his forehead and nose. You can’t think of anything other than the happiness inside of you, and you just start to cry with tears of joy.

     He runs over to you and hugs you for what feels like hours. But then he pulls away and looks grimly into your eyes, “HE’S NOT DEAD YET… WE HAVE TO GET OUT FAST.” He grabs key from his pocket and fiddles with them in the lock until he gets the right one. He is about to talk, but then he notices that you’re only in your bra and his face goes red.

     “W-What?” You ask, confused at first but then follows his gaze down to your chest. You quickly cover yourself with your arms and your whole face turns a deep (b/c). He then looks at your face and grabs your arm, dragging you quickly out of the room.

     “HEY… CAN YOU RUN FASTER?” His voice is filled with annoyance as he tries to make his way through this maze of a hive.

     “I can’t when I’m trying to cover myself!” You shout back, one arm over your chest.

    He groans and picks you up and throws you over his shoulder, clearly slowing from the extra weight. His face goes a bit red and starts panting, but pushes forward with a worried face as you both hear a weak, raspy voice call to you as you’re about to run out the door.

    “HeY,bRo… I tHoUgHt We HaD aN aGrEeMeNt. I hAd To Be DeAd…” Karkat ignores him and just runs out the door, with mixed emotions on his face. You can’t read it fully, but there is a bit of concern for Gamzee on there, along with anger, sadness, a bit of relief, and some disappointment. You look back and see Gamzee, with his face covered in blood. He slowly reaches his hand up, and just lays in a pool of blood. Your eyes dart through the room you just passed, since you kept your eyes closed the whole time. The sights shocked you, you see... heads...

     Karkat runs around a grouping of trees so the hive is now out of view. After what seems like about a half an hour, Karkat stumbles to the icy ground, breathing heavily. His blood had dried onto his face, and now he has scabs all over his forehead and under his nose, but... red scabs. Mutant red scabs.

Karkat x Reader x Sober GamzeeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora