Chapter 2

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K A R K A T ' S    P . O . V .

     You've been running for about a day now, heavily panting, and completely exaughsted. But you have to push yourself forward, for (y/n). Wow, you would never say this in public... why is it so hard for you? Gamzee could do it fi- ... Gamzee. You stop in your tracks and stare, a hot tear streaming down your face. You remember all the times you had together... before, when he was normal. Yes, your ex-moirail was annoying. Yes, he was always drunk and gave terrible advice... but he was your moirail. You had fun together, although usually, you'd just show it through swears and hate. Is the only thing he remembers of you is your being mean to him? Saying you hate him? Swearing at him?

     B- but you shouldn't think of that. He's gone now, and you don't care. You sigh and run some more. If only that was true...

     You run for about a few more hours. Your legs are burning, you realize you have to go back eventually, and you can barely breathe with your dry throat. You run and run, slowing and getting weaker by the second. You are getting into a thicker part of the forest, and you realize this to be near Gamzee's hive. You look around at all the scenery, and remember when as little wrigglers you would play different games like troll hide-and-see- "AGH!" you exclaim as you trip on a tree root that came out over land and you fall on the ground face first. You roll over onto your back in pain and hold your head, mumbling to yourself. You feel a bit of wetness on your head, and pull your hands away to look at them. Please be sweat, please be sweat!

     Just as you feared, you are staring at a red. Not a rust red, nor even a lighter shade such as pink, but a mutant, candy red. You immediately panic and back up a bit until you're against a tree and sit. You can't let (y/n) see your blood. Not anyone... you'll be culled. Excuses, I need some fucking excuses for this! What, am I going to just say, oh yeah, I'm a mutant. Feel free to chop my fucking useless head off now.

     Thoughts race through your head and you just sit there, defenseless against them. You can't think of anything to do, and for the first time since, well, ever, you start to cry.

Y O U R    P . O . V .

     Your few hours off has passed, so you're back in that crazy-ass Gamzee's room. With no shirt. Just a bra. You sit on the opposite edge of the bed, pouting a bit and not facing him. You can't believe what is happening right now, you have no idea what to do or think. It's just too much. You wish Karkat -or any other troll- would be on their way here, right now. Although... none of them really seem to know.

     "HeY, wHy So GlUm, BrO? Is SoMeThInG wRoNg?" he slowly reaches towards you and is about to touch you when you snap back at him;

     "Fuck off. Of course something is wrong."

     "AwW, wElL wHaT iS iT bRo?"

     "You, dumbass."

     This makes him furious at first. You can't see him, but you can sense the room getting tense when he does. But then you hear a slow and forgiving sigh and he finally replies.

     "CoMe'On, BrO! YoU kNoW I WoUlDn'T hUrT yOu, BaBe..." He tilts your head towards him as he gives a creepy, evil-looking grim that spreads ear to ear. He just stares at you with bloodshot eyes, almost filled with anger. His eyebrows scrunch the slightest bit as you stare at him with fear. You almost are shaking with the anxiety that fills you. Your muscles tense then freeze, and you can't move. Gamzee's grip suddenly tightens and his face goes a bit more crazy. He leans in next to your face and quietly says in your ear...


K A R K A T ' S    P . O . V .

     As the crying slows and lightens a bit, you start to only sniffle and quietly sob to yourself. You can't think of anything you want more right now than to save (y/n) and just kiss her. Kiss her until her face turns blue, kiss her forever. But looking at yourself now... that isn't going to happen. This thought brings on a bit more tears, although not as much as before. You suddenly jerk your head up after a few minutes after hearing someone scream. It sounds like... (y/n)...

     You hesitate at first, thinking whether or not you should go, but you need to get (y/n) safe. You don't know what will happen later, you don't know if anything will change. You stumble up and off your feet as you start running towards her voice. It was very faint, but it is her. It has to be. Hopefully that wasn't him... like Nepeta... you shake this out of your mind and just run. Either way, you're kicking Gamzee's ass.

Karkat x Reader x Sober GamzeeWhere stories live. Discover now