Chapter 2

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♡☆recap a man at the door was dressed in military uniform was ☆♡

The man says,"Are you Amy Heart?" I nodded my head yes. He said,"I'm sorry ma'am," and he handed me a package.

I was getting very worried now. I opened it. (the package basically said that Ray had passed away in an accident during his deployment)

By the end of me reading the package I was in tears. By now the man had left. I thought to myself what am I going to do. I call Carmen and tell her to come over.

Carmen walked in the house with a couple gallons of ice cream, and tissues. I get up and hug her tight and cryed on her shoulder.

She goes to the kitchen and grabs two bowls and two spoons. Then she brings everything to the couch and I turn on Bones my favorite show.

After we watched a couple of seasons. She said she had to go home.

She said,"Girly do not harm yourself or do anything irrational. Ok?"

I nodded my head and i walked her to the door.

♡☆Next Day☆♡
I wake up on the couch and I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I was a mess.

I thought to myself I have to be strong because I have school today. I took a quick shower and changed into the outfit below.

I wore all black in memory of Ray. When I get to school I got stopped by again the popular girls came up to me and the leader said,"Why are you wearing all black nerd?" I just ignored her and headed to class.

♡☆day of the funeral☆♡
I was laying in bed and I figured that I better get dressed for the funeral. Then I shower and put on the outfit below. But I don't put on makeup because I know I can't keep the tears away.

Then I head out of the house and go to the place where the funeral is going to take place. When I get there I go up the the casket and look in at Ray and say,"Why did you have to die? We were going to get married,"

I crumbled to tbe floor and started to cry and scream,"WHY GOD?!?!?! WHY?!?!?!"

My sister and Carmen walk in and they rush over to me. Carmen pulled me in for a hug and said,"Honey I know it hurts,"

I cry on to her shoulder. The only people that are coming are my parents, Carmen, Blair, and a couple of Ray's friend. I have sat down by now and everyone is coming in.

The funeral starts.

I feel dead inside.
I feel crowded.
I wish everyone would leave me alone.
I feel like I failed Ray.

All this thoughts are spinning in my head. It's time to bury him now.

Carmen drove me to the cemetery.

When we got there I stood as far from the coffin as I could.

The pastor starts talking.

Tears again.

Heart breaking.


On my knees.


Carmen beside me.


Shut off the ringing!


Yelling my name.


Getting lifted up.

My dad!

Punching him in the chest.


Blacking out!



♡At the hospital♡
(I don't really know how this stuff works so I'll do the best I can.)

I wake up to beeping. I sit up fast and I guess it was to fast. My head hurts really bad. I hear Carmen say,"Doctor she's awake,"

She comes over to me and asks,"Hey sweetie do you need some water?"

My throats so dry so I just nod my head.

She brings over a glass of water and I take it and drink all of it.

A few seconds later a doctor comes in and he said,"Hello Amy, my name is Dr. Smith, how are you feeling?"

I said,"My head hurts really bad and it's really hard to breath,"

I asked,"How long have I been out?"

Dr. Smith said,"About 4 hours,"

I said,"Why did I pass out?"

Dr. Smith said,"You had a panick attack. I'm going to go get you some medicine and we're going to keep you over night to make sure nothing happens,"

I nodded my head, then he left. Carmen stayed by my side until visiting hours were over. The staff practically had to drag her out of the hospital.

I shut off the t.v. and tryed to go to go to sleep. I layed there on the very uncomfortable hospital bed.

I started to think about Ray again. The machine beside me started to beep rapidly. A bunch of doctors rushed into the room and all I saw was black again.

Word count 798 words

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