Chapter 3: Calm Before The Storm

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Morning Coffee

Calm Before The Storm

Naomi didn't know what to think, her mind was all over the place. The main question that stood out was, “Who are you?” The woman who stood there turned and looked at Naomi, disgust clearly on her face.

She raised her hand and point at herself, “I am Tiffany. His-”

Sebastian cut her off, “Ex. That is all, now if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?” Naomi took the time to take her in, her long blonde hair was something that stood out. Her shirt looked like a sports bra, her boobs were popping out. Naomi was more then sure she could hardly breath, she came to the conclusion that she had to be among the walking dead in order to have that on. The skirt was more like an underwear. Thinking of that, Naomi was sure she was not wearing any and prayed to the gods she would not bend over. Lastly were those death traps, wait no those were heels, they could stab a vampire through the chest and come out the other side. All together she was a walking STD deposited with a phone card. Though all of that Naomi believe that Tiffany was prettier than the two, and despite this woman being an obvious hoe, Naomi felt below her to the point she was dirt on her shoes.

Naomi didn't even notice when she walked over to him pushing her fake boobs onto his arm. “I am here for you baby, don't you miss me? I know you did.”

Sebastian's snorted, “I thought I made my choice clear, when I kicked you and your parents out my house.” He pushed her away from him. “Now get out, I am calling security. In fact, I had put up your picture and said for you not to be let in at all. Can't they do anything right?”

She pouted, “Well baby all I have to do is flash someone and I can get into anywhere I want.” When she finished the sentence, the security came into the room.

The biggest one spoke, “Miss you have to leave.” Though Naomi was surprised, they were talking to her.

Tiffany laughed, “Yes fat black bitch leave.” Naomi watched as both of the black guards turned and looked at her.

This time the one smallest one spoke, “I see, we are supposed to take you out then. Right sir?”

Sebastian's nodded, “Please get her out, and make sure she is never let in again.” They both nodded and took away the screaming woman. Sebastian turned to look at me, “I'm sorry you had to see that.”

At first she just looked at him, “Who is she sir?”

He growled, “Sebastian. Stop calling me sir. She is my ex and only that now.”

Naomi change the subject, “Are we doing anything for Halloween, it's only a week away?”

His eyes looked up to her, “We have a party every year and stuff will be put up on Monday. What are you going as?”

She surges her shoulders, “I don't know yet, you?”

Looking out the window he answered her, “I have no clue. We still have time to decide.”

Naomi nodded my head to him and looked at the clock, “It's time to go Sebastian, when are you picking me up?” Her head turned to him.

Sebastian thought for a moment, “Be ready at 7:30. Is that enough time?”

Naomi nodded, “Yes that is plenty of time.” With that she walked out the door and walk to her car where Julia was waiting by the car.

Looking up Julia watch as her friend walked closer with a smile on her face, “What has you so happy?”

Naomi smile widened, “Sebastian is cooking me dinner at his place tonight.” Julia smiled at her friend, happy that someone was making her smile. “Now lets go pick up our little girl.” Naomi smiled at Julia, little did Naomi know that simple smile made everything easier. The car ride there they had the music blasting, the girls were screaming... wait no singing off key and horribly. Sebastian and Jeffrey were in the car next to theirs they barely were about to keep from laughing. Stuck at a train passing Sebastian listen closely and knew the song they are 'singing'....

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