Chapter 7: Antother side of Sebastian

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 Morning Coffee

Another side of Sebastian

Sebastian took a moment to look around, his eyes drifted over to Naomi on the couch passed out. His blood boiled at the sight of his beautiful woman unconscious, his eyes turned to his mother's worried face as she sat next to his black haired beauty. The next sight was his father who stood between him and John, finally he meet John eyes and smirked at his face. There was a huge red mark from his mother's hand, not only that but he was developing a black eye from the punch he gave him. He was more then sure that under his shirt there would be a few bruises, and his lip was busted open and bleeding. Sebastian felt that was not enough, he deserved more than what he got.

He took a step forward towards John, but his father held his hand up. “Don't touch him anymore.”

John's laugh filled the room, “Let him go uncle, well handle this like men.” Sebastian chucked.

His dark eyes glaring at John, “Judging by the way you look, I'd be more careful of what you say to me right now.” Everyone was dead silent, no one move or talked.

Sebastian could care less, he went to move over towards Naomi and sat down and ran his hands through her hair, “Get out. I don't ever want to see you and when she wakes up; I hope she presses charges against you.” Sebastian listened to the door closed and looked up to only see that him, his mother and Naomi were the only people left in the room. “I've got her mom, you can leave if you want.”

She came over and kiss Sebastian on his head, “Take good care of her.” Sebastian watched his mother leave, and looked back at his woman.

Kissing her lips softly, he ran his hand through her hair. “I will always take care of you.” Sebastian walked over to his phone and dialed a number he knew by heart. “Pull the car around, move all my meeting till tomorrow I don't care what excuse you give them, just do it. Call ahead and get my private doctor to my house and order food for 2 people instead just get a order of everything.”

Sebastian hung up the phone, and went over to Naomi and picked her up. It was these times that he was glad he had his own elevator and a back exit. He was more then sure Naomi would not like everyone seeing him carrying her out and into his car. When he got downstairs he didn't even have to wait the car was already there and the door open with Charles standing there. He tipped his hat to his boss, “Sir.”

Sebastian nodded to him, “Straight home Charlie and stop calling me sir.”

Charlie chucked at him, “Yes Mr. Pierce.”

Sebastian said nothing in response, he put his angel down with her head in his lap. He knew he would not be able to do anything on the way to the house. So he just sat there and started thinking.

But Sebastian problem was that he thought too much, by the time they pulled up to his house he was angry. For reasons that at the moment could not be helped,

he was angry for leaving her alone with him

he was angry he had not got there in time

he was angry at his father for trying to get into his life

He was angry at himself most of all. But he knew that the negative feelings were not going to help Naomi. He went back into his room, and over to her. He had put her on his bed in one of his shirts and put one his fluffy pair of socks on her feet. He walked over to his dresser and put down his glass, his door open he didn't have to look up to know it was Lane is doctor.

He heard his foot steps walk over to his bed, “Sir may I?”

Sebastian finally turned around, nodding his head to the man for the reason is that he didn't trust his voice at the moment to speak.  The doctor nodded, and Sebastian watched him work, just standing there across the room. “Why has she not woken up, it's been hours?”

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