Chapter 6: John Pierce

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Morning Coffee

John Pierce

Sebastian smiled, “I would love to.” Naomi could not help but wonder, did he really want to go, or was he going just out of pity. That was the main thought on her mind throughout the morning, after getting ready, and dressed for the day Naomi went over to Julia's door and knocked on it.

When the door opened Naomi eyes had to look down, “Abby!” The little girl jumped into Naomi open arms. “How is my little munchkin doing?”

Abigail smiled a big toofy smile, “I am doing good, what about you?”

Naomi smiled, and walked into the house with Abby attached to her hip. “I am well. Where's mommy?” The little girl pointed her tiny arm to the kitchen.

Julia's looked up and smiled at her daughter, and best friend. “Naomi I still don't get why you stayed, but you are a woman and I respect your decision, I was just a little worried.”

Naomi nodded her head, and decided to tell her now, “My mother is out of Jail, and Sebastian is going to meet my family for dinner this Thursday.”

Naomi watched Julia face bunch up, “Are you sure, your family is, well something else.”

Naomi looked at her, and let a wiggling Abby go. “I am not to sure, but I feel that it will all go well, I hope.”

The two woman sat and caught up with each other, while Abby counted play money. Julia told Naomi how much Jeffery was pitching in with Abby, how he was taking her and Abby very nice places. “Naomi everything happening to me has been amazing, though through all this I am just happy Abby has a father now.” The two put Abby to bed.

Julia looked at her friend, “I think Sebastian is good for you, ever since you meet him you have this glow to you. You look happy, don't lose him if you think that you can have any sort of life with him.”

Naomi hugged Julia, “You don't lose Jeff, he's a clown yes, but I can tell through all that he dose care and love you both.” Julia just hugged her back, not knowing what to say. “Get yourself ready while I get Abby ready.” Naomi pushed her friend in the direction of her room.

Julia nodded and started walking, “She already had her bath and has had breakfast she just needs to get dressed.” Julia through over her shoulder.

Naomi walked into Abby's room, “Now where is princess Abby?” Naomi called out in the room, well aware of Abby hiding in her mountain of stuff animals. “Is she here?” Naomi check behind the door, “I guess not.” Naomi went to Abby closet next. “How about here.... mmhm I guess I was wrong again.” Naomi heard Abby's giggle and suppressed one of her own. As she got closer to the pile of stuff animals, she did her best to be quite. “Is she here.” Naomi got down and pick up a giggling Abby. “Ooo look what I found.”

Abby giggled, “You found me.”

Naomi snuggled her, “Yes I did. What would you like to wear today?”

Abby thought for a minutes, and hoped out of Naomi arms. Running to her closet, Naomi watched as the little girl pulled out a blue summer dress. “Can I wear this?” Her big eyes looked at Naomi those eyes warmed her up so much. She went back to thinking of how much she wants a family, how much she wants to settle down.

Naomi went over and picked up the little girl, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Of course you can.” Naomi helped Abby get dressed and put on her shoes.

They went to the living room and watched as Julia jumped around trying to put her other heel on. Julia looked up at the sound of laughing, “Are you laughing at mommy?” Abby shock her head no. “Hmm, Naomi I have no idea how you walked in heels everyday.”

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