Chapter 5: Mom

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Morning Coffee


When Naomi got home that night Julia was waiting for her right by her door, “Where have you been?”

Naomi just smiled at her best friend and walk right into her house, “Where is Abby?”

Julia walked right in and sat herself onto Naomi couch, “With Jeffery he wanted some daddy, daughter time.”

Naomi brought over two cokes and sat across her in the arm chair, “Well I spent the time over at Sebastian's and before you ask no we did not have sex.”

Julia didn't believe her at all, “Sure is that all you did while you were there.”

Naomi plundered in her head whether she wanted to tell Julia what truthfully happened, “Well we got shot at, and we made breakfast nothing much really happened.”

Julia face fell, “You got WHAT?!? Then you STAYED with HIM are you out of your freaking mind?”

Naomi turned and looked out her window, “Well you see I don't really know what I was thinking, I just followed my heart. My heart wanted to stay.”

Julia went and got a beer and took a long drink, “Your heart? What did your head or your life say?”

Naomi sigh, “Julia I understand I was stupid to stay and even I know that but I could not help it. Please for now just let it go.”

Julia didn't want to just let it go, “I am not letting it go, you must be out of your mind. Oh wait you are. Naomi tell me what were you thinking?”

Naomi took a sip of her drink, “I was not thinking. We have work tomorrow.” Naomi poor excuse to change the subject didn't go well with Julia, she got up and walked out and into her apartment leaving Naomi to her thoughts and Naomi could not be anymore happy for that.

Naomi really didn't know what to do, ho w to act it was Sunday night she didn't have any where to go, she had stayed all day at Sebastian's and it would be weird if she called him not. Not only that but her best friend is mad at her. For heavens sakes she mad at herself, what, what in gods green earth made her think that she should stay with him in his house after they got shot at. “Maybe I’m crazy.” Naomi spoke to her room unsure if she really wanted an answer to that.

Maybe it was the rush or the fact that he's mysterious, a bad boy with a dark side? Maybe she is dreaming, because he can't be the one, she is not sure that he would not break her heart. She has been waiting her life for him, a man that she wants even though they have only known each other for a very short period of time. It can't be love at first sight, she hadn’t even notice him sitting next to her at the coffee shop until his chair made to much noise that one morning. “I'm over thinking everything. I need sleep.” She was still unsure why she was talking to herself but she ignored that thought, Naomi cleaned up the mess she had made and walked into her room, changing into a oversized shirt; she laid down still thinking to much but thankfully her exhaustion won and her mind shut down.

~Next Morning~

Work, Naomi never thought that she would be in a relationship with her boss ever. If that what it is but the bad part is that she wants, it. Getting out of bed Naomi got dressed and walked down to her car, and started driving to work. The whole way he mind would not shut up no matter how much she begged it to, she had already meet his parents even if it was by mistake. She had spent the night at his house even though they didn't do anything. That's it Naomi shouted in her empty car, she has notice but her window was down and she had scared the driver next to her, but kept on driving. Today, yes Today Naomi said to her mind, I am going to confront Sebastian today and find out what we are.

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