chapter 4

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As soon as she starts to pull me out I went along and went to the front of thunders cage once she tried to get me to move a few times she said you want him to come to girl don't you. She pulled me and tied me up to the outside of my stall thingy. Beth went into thunders cage and got him out and led him next to me and untied me and led us both out and led us to the blocked in area. Beth let thunder go but he stayed right by me the whole time. Whenever she wanted me to do something and I didn't know what she wanted thunder would tell me  then I would do it. I was finally time to put the rug thing on my  back. Today I was in a joking mood and so I thought it would be funny if I did this. I let her put the rug on my back the she take a step back then I would reach around take it off and then put it on thunders back. I only did it a few times thunder had a look in his eyes of which he found it funny. After I got done I let her put it on my back and thunder looked at me proudly as they put the seat mcbobber on me. After they started to  put someone under my belly and Thunder soon said try not to... he didn't get to finish because I started bucking. Britt calm down its ok its a belt to get the saddle in place while they ride us. after I herd that I stop bucking. After I stopped Thunder came over to me and start to put his head on my back to calm me down which it did and I put my head on his back also. when I did so I herd Beth say looks like we got a pair of mates. With that I tried to hind into Thunders hair. Beth came up to me and took everything she put on me today off. Beth took mine and Thunders rope and led us back to the building. When we got in there she took us past my jail cell where my brother was supposed to me but I didn't see him. Thunder I don't see Maxy. He is in the pen outside still he is find Thunder said. She tied my rope to the wall and same with thunders next to mine/ the got a green thing and it looked like a snake so I started to get really scared. Thunder saw and started to put his nose and put his head on my back and head and everywhere he can to calm me saying its not what it looks like its a thing to move water and Beth wants to cool you off from working outside so long and hard its just water Britt I Promise it will feel good just let her do it. After that I let her hose me down and then Beth got out a weird looking thing she put in her out and used on my skin and it felt good after she dried me off and played with my heir and did something with it.  When she got done she did the hand thingy with Thunder then led us both to a different jail cell and put us both in it. I start to  panic and seeing I could not longer see maxy. Thunder saw this  did the same thing with his head and rubbing it on me which calmed me down a lot. Thunder I want maxy back I said as I layed down on the way he layed down right beside me . I know you do and you will get him late today they will put him in a stall near ours thunder said.  I started to think in my head that I might really like thunder as my mate.  With the thoughts in my head I start falling asleep with Thunders head on my back protectively and mine on his.


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