Chapter 6

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The horses who stepped  out from the forest is Alex and Night. Beth took everything off of me. When the last thing came off I ran as fast as I would and jumped the fence thingy and went straight for Nigh and Alex when they saw me the ran up to me and I started to rub up against both of them they did it back also. I'm soo happy we finally found you and max Night said. Me to Night  I said. Alex and Night ive missed you guys so much the last few days how is the herd are they all ok? Did they have the baby's yet? Is anyone hurt? did they get found? Please tell me they are all ok I said all out at one. Everyone misses you and Max yes everyone is safe yes they had them and no one else got found yet As night was saying this Thunder Came out with someone on his back and I went over to him and put my head under his head and he pushed my head a little down trying to get close. Are you ok did they hurt you I was so worry I'm so happy your ok and save Thunder said. No Thunder they would never hurt me this is my other broth Maxy's twin and my herds leader Night after I said this the riders try's to rope Night and Alex. NIGHT ALEX RUN SAVE THE HERD AND RUN ME AND MAXY WILL BE OK AND DON'T FORGET TO GIVE ALEX MY SPOT LIKE YOU PROMISED. Like that they were gone. Thunder as soon as I say his name the rider ropes me and I get scared and buck and kick an try to get away. Britt calm down its ok it is just the rope he is going use to bring you back with me as soon as I hear Thunder I stopped and calm down he walks over to me and puts his head on me since he is taller than me.  After he dose that a horse Came up to us and had a rider on it  but I have never seen this horse before in my life. Hey Thunder head she says. Thunder dose not talk to her and is only looks and talks to me . Same old Thunder Head don't talk to no one your the first person he has talked to since he been here and  he been here his whole life oh I forgot you don't now who I am, well my name is Brianna Bri for short and for friends you can call me either. Well hi  my Name is Brittany I said. Who where those horses that you were talking to he asked.  I hung my head really low. There were my old leader of my herd and the other was one of my older brothers the one, the one who is here with me is max and that is his twin Alex both are really big about keeping me save and knowing what I am at all times even if I was 3 in command I said to her. Her and thunder looks at me like they seen a ghost. What is it why are you looking at me like I'm a ghost I asked them both. YOU WERE 3 IN COMMAND HOW?!?!?!?!??? They both yelled at me. They way I planed things out and they way I got them done and how I knew when danger was coming and my brothers to and my hearing and my sense of hiding. If I never came here Night would have ended up being my mate........As I tell them all of this they are leading us back to the pen area. Beth this one would be a good jumper with the way she cleared the fence with room to spare. Yeah she would be she wont go anywhere or do anything without Thunder or that other one that came in with her that is her older brother Beth told the rider.

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