July 16, 2016

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I smooth out my sweater and look up as Mrs. Clara smiles at me.

"They're ready to see you." She tells me and offers me her hand. I take it and stand up.

We walk together to the office door and she lets go of my hand.

"Good Luck." She whispers and kisses my cheek. I smile and open the door.

There's a man and a woman sitting in the room. They don't look old but they aren't young. Maybe late 30's or 40's?

"Hello Victoria." The woman smiles.

"Hello." I greet them a bit shyly.

"My name is Stacy and this is Greg." She tells me gesturing towards the man next to her. I nod politely and take a seat next to her on another chair.

The man behind the desk, in front of us, smiles and opens a folder.

"Why are interested in this particular child?" He asks them.

"We've always wanted children but my wife was never able to have them. We don't want to have small children that risk breaking things and making messes. We thought getting an older child would help full-fill our wishes." Greg explains.

"And do you believe you can take care of Victoria properly?" He asks the couple.

"I think that she'll be very happy with us." Stacy says with a smile.

He asks more questions but all I can think about is leaving Charlie. I don't want to leave her. She's only 15. I was going to adopt her in a month. I only have a month left and someone decides they want to adopt me now?

"Victoria?" I hear the man say.

"Huh?" I answer looking up at him.

"They have offered to take you out for the day. Would you like to do that?" He asks me.

"Oh of course." I smile the best I can. The truth is, I don't want to be adopted.

After almost 8 years of being in here, I don't want to leave just yet. I have a month left.

They start to walk out of the office and I follow them all the way outside to their car.

There are some people outside but one person catches my attention. He's standing with a young girl and his parents. He's staring at me. He saw me walk out of the orphanage. It's Shawn.

"Victoria?" Stacy says opening the car door. I don't answer her. I'm trying to stay calm and if I talk it may come out a little strangled.

He starts to walk towards me with a shocked but sad expression on his face. Stacy and Greg see the boy walking up to me and step closer to me on instinct. They would actually make great parents.

Shawn gets close enough to me to talk.

"Oh my god Victoria." He sighs. Stacy and Greg sigh in relief that I know this guy and they back away from me.

"We'll wait in the car." Greg tells me and they step into their red car. It's nothing special but its a vehicle so I'm not complaining.

"I didn't want you to react this way... I didn't want you to feel bad for me, I just figured that-" I get cut off when he hugs me tightly.

"Did they adopt you?" He whispers into my hair.

"No. They want to. But I don't want to be adopted. Charlie is 15 and she's been in that damn place since she was 4. I turn 18 in August so I was going to adopt her." I explain.

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