December 24, 2023

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Dear Diary,

I found this diary in the box of photo albums.

I decided I'd write one last entry to finish this chapter of my life for good.

It's been 6 years since my last entry. I'm 24 now. Shawn and Courtney are also 24 years old.

Courtney has been living with her boyfriend, Dylan, for the past 2 years now. We are all waiting for him to pop the question but he hasn't yet.

Vince and Olivia are 19. Vince made the decision to attend college. Olivia thought it was no use because she had cancer. She didn't want to waste her limited life going to school. They are still together and they plan to get engaged when Vince turns 20 this year.

As for me and Shawn, we are married now. He's made music his career by touring and making albums. He has fans all over the world that adore him.

I recently found out that I'm pregnant. We'll be welcoming a new baby girl to our family. I hate the fact that she'll grow up with only one pair f grandparents but I grew up with no parents so she'll be better off than I was.

We've decided to name her Charlotte. Charlie for short.

Speaking of Charlie, she's in Egypt excavating pyramids. She doesn't have a boyfriend or kids but she is traveling the world and living her life to the fullest. I'm so happy she found something that she loved to do.

I feel like my parents would be proud of me. I made the best friends I could. I have the best husband in the world. I found my little brother and brought us back together.

My parents may not be alive but they will always be with me and supporting me. I know they were at my wedding. I know they'll see me hold my beautiful baby girl for the first time. I know they'll be there while she grows into an amazing woman.

I almost forgot one more thing.

The couple that tried to adopt me when I was 17?

They adopted a baby boy because they thought a teenager like me would be way too much to handle.

I saw them on the boardwalk once and told them what happened that day. They laughed and actually thanked me because that made them adopt their son.

This is Victoria Wilson officially closing this journal.

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