December 1, 2016 (two)

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I walk with him, holding his hand in mine.

The violin guy comes around 2pm everyday so we went a little early to walk around and talk.

"Do you want to toss some coins into the fountain?" He asks.

The fountain is at the other side of the park but we have a while until that violin guy comes so we make our way to the fountain.

"So what are you gonna wish for when we get there?" He asks me.

"I don't know, maybe to see Charlie again. I would love to see her. Even if it's only once." I explain. "What about you?" I add.

"I would probably wish for this damn record deal to be accepted." He says. I turn my head fairly towards him with a confused expression.

"Record deal?" I ask him.

"Don't worry about it, I'll explain later." He tells me. I trust that he will explain it to me later, so I shut up and continue to walk.

I hear the fountain but I don't see it. I hear the water flowing from the top of the stone sculpture to the pool at the bottom.

Then it comes into view. It's actually very beautiful. It used to be shiny and new but over time it turned green and rusted on some parts. I see some people around it.

There's a mother trying to console her crying child and there's two boys playing chess over to the side. There's also a girl sitting on the side of the fountain. She's wearing a beanie, but I don't understand why. I get that it's winter but it's not that cold.

I shrug my shoulders and we walk to the other side of the fountain. I see the girls face. I see her bright green eyes looking sadly at the water.

"Olivia?" I ask. The girl looks up at me confused.

"My brothers name is Vince, you may know him?" I tell her.

"Oh my god. Yes, I do know him. Is there any way I can see him?" She asks.

"Yeah we could take you home later if you want." I suggested.

"Okay." She smiles.

"We'll meet you back here at 2:30, okay?" I tell her. She nods.

"We should make our way back to the pavilion. It's almost 2." I tell Shawn, grabbing his hand and tugging him away. He agrees with me and we make our way back.

Once we are at the pavilion, we see the violin guy setting up his violin case as a money holder. He grabs his violin thing -look I don't know what it is, I don't play the violin- and brings the violin towards his chin.

He starts playing and it's a beautiful tune. He really is amazing at this.

"Do you... Do you think about me..." Shawn sings softly beside me with the music. I give him a strange look before he continues to sing.

"And do you... Do you feel the same about me..." He continues.

"And do you, do you remember how it felt. Cause I do, so listen to me baby." He sings. He has the voice of an angel and the song he's singing goes perfectly to the song the violinist is playing.

"And I'm not trying to ruin your happiness, but darling don't you know that I'm the only one for you." He says singing strongly and confidently.

He finishes the entire song along with the violinist and then he walks up to the guy and hands him a 20 dollar bill. I stand confused and impressed.

"I wrote that song. It's called Ruin." He tells me as we walk back to the fountain.

"It was beautiful, you actually have a record deal?" I ask catching on to what he said earlier.

"Um I'm trying to get a record deal. They're supposed to call today." He tells me as we reach the fountain.

"You ready?" I ask Olivia. She smiles and nods.

The whole car ride home was silent. Not a word was spoken and not a sound was made.

When we arrived to the apartment, Olivia started to get nervous but you could see she was excited. Shawn opened the door and we could see Vince watching tv from the front door. His back is towards us.

"Vince?" I call out. He turns around with a bored expression. His eyes land on Olivia and he freezes.

"Olivia?" He asks.

She smiles.

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