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Zakary is a jerk. That's the only  conclusion I can come up with. He was a two faced liar and a jerk. He'd make a good leader.

When he broke me out of this place I'm back in now, I was happy and thankful. I don't know how many prayers I said while I was here.

Then he disappeared. He opened the door and then was gone. I had no idea where he was for three days.

In those three days, I managed to gain back a little strength. 200 years ago, I would have taken a run or gone to the gym in the morning. But that wasn't an option. And it probably will never be again.

Then I found Zakary asleep in his bed and rage filled me. He had no right to disappear like that and scare the hell out of me.

But he didn't recognize me. He stared at me like I was stupid. Like he had no idea who I was. Then he betrayed me.

Now I'm back in the lab. On the cold metal bed.

A nurse walks in for a blood draw. I hadn't seen Louise in days. Hopefully she was okay.

"You are very lucky," the nurse chirps. A hint of jealousy tints her high voice.

"Why?" I taunt. They might want to kill me but I will fight.

"Well the Devisee is coming  to watch one of the trials today. He's coming to watch you." She says as she draws blood. I feel nothing. I have gotten used to the poking and prodding.

Zakary will be coming to see them torture me. That's so exciting. NOT!

I roll my eyes as the nurse gushes about Zakary. She seems young. Well not to today's standards.

I have learned that a majority of the working people now have got to be younger than forty. They are all young.

I asked Louise about what age she became a nurse at. She said fifteen. That seems young but it's not. Well it isn't now.

A doctor comes in and hooks up the tubes. I don't fight. It's no use. I lay there hopelessly and wait for them to start inserting things into me but they don't.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"We are waiting for the Devisee. Now shut up!" Someone says with a gruff voice.

I groan. Of course we have to wait. At least I'm a bit stronger now. I don't have to rely on the stupid doctors to help me.

I wait for at least another twenty minutes. Nobody comes in or out. I'm alone with the blinding lights and white walls.

Then I hear the door open.

"Sorry I'm late. There was an emergency." A familiar voice that might as well belong to a stranger.

He's emotionless. There is no laughter in his voice like there used to be.

Zakary comes into view. Something is different. I can't quite place it.

"Sir would you like to do it?" One of the doctors asks.

Zakary nods as a syringe is slipped into his hands. A pang of fear flows through me.

He takes the needle and moves to be beside me. I shudder. He moves to stick it in my neck.

"Stop!" I shriek. He pulls his arm back.

Breaking IceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin