
7 1 1

I followed the Chancellor. I snuck out of the lab and followed him to where he was meeting the rebels.

I wasn't expecting it to go like this. I wasn't expecting her to shoot him. I wasn't expecting him to shoot her either.

I watched her fall and the only thing I could think of was getting to her. I watched her tears fall. I knew she was gone but I wasn't ready to let her go.

I was definitely not expect to kiss her. That was her last memory.

I pulled away from her. She smiled at me and closed her eyes. I heard her draw her last breath. She fell limp in my arms. None of it was supposed to happen.

I haven't left the office since that day. It's been maybe three days. Grant has tried to talk to me. But the shock hasn't set in yet.

Not just the shock from Antilia's death but the fact I'm now Chancellor.

There's a ceremony for the former Chancellor today. I have to go. The people won't honor Antilia but they will be honoring the awful person who they called Chancellor.

"Zakary?" I hear a voice from the door. I turn away from the window.

"Hello Evangeline," I say. I sound tired.

"Zakary you need to get ready. If you don't show up you won't have support." She says. "Antilia would want you to go on with your life."

"I know. But this isn't right," I turn to look out the window.

"Zakary your young. There are more people out there. Please just get ready," she sighs and leaves me.

I change into a black suit. I leave the room and go downstairs to the transporter. Eva and Grant are waiting.

"I'll say my part and then I'll talk with Mashta about what you want," I say.

"Zakary we don't want anything. Not right now. But you'll become Chancellor next week. You will have responsibility. But you won't be alone." Grant says, giving me a small forced smile.

"I ones heard Antilia say that kids shouldn't rule the world. But we sent kids here. And we don't rule the world. You have this small part of the world you can make better Zakary. It's your turn to turn over a new leaf for this city." Eva look over at me.

We arrive. I step out. The people all wear black. It's custom to burn our Chancellors. The Chancellor lies still on a wood bed.

"Our Chancellor has left us now. He was a good chancellor. He changed this small part of our world. Maybe for better maybe for worse. Now he is gone and it is time to let go. We must pay our respects and let him go in peace. We list low step forward and turn over a new leaf. His death marks the chance for a new life and a better tomorrow. But we shall not forget him because all chancellors will always low with us." I say. The people applaud.

A man hands me a torch and I light the wood with one last look at the Chancellor's face. The flames raise higher consuming his body. Emotion washes over me. I feel upset about what her did, angry but at the same time this man was the only person that was even close to family for me.

The ceremony ends. It's time to go.

I get in the transporter.

"Can we go to the cemetery?" I ask. " I need to let her go."

They both nod and we go to her grave. I get out and tell them to stay behind. I need to do this myself.

I stare at her headstone. "Antilia you were in my life for two weeks. That isn't that long but it's the longest friendship I've ever had. I'll never forget you. Your memory will live on and I will make this place better. That a promise I intend to keep." I say.

The wind blows in my hair. I stand staring at her headstone. Maybe if I was a normal teenage boy this could have worked. But in a world where kids rule I know none of us are normal teenagers.

Now it's time to break the ice. It's time for a change.


Thank you guys so much for staying with me through this story. I know it isn't the best but I had fun. I hope you guys liked this and I hope you had some feelings throughout it. Please tell me anything. What you liked what you didn't like and what you think could change. I had great support writing this. I'm so happy it's over.

Thanks so much guys.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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