
14 3 1

I'm not tired. I'm not sick. I'm perfectly fine but I don't want to meet with the rebels.

Last night was crazy and horrible. I can't stand crowds. They are loud and give me a headache.

"Zakary we need your help!" Grant rushes in his face panicked.

"What's wrong?" I ask sitting up.

"Antilia left the meeting and is lost in the storm." Grant grabs a flashlight. "Put on your jacket, we need to get moving."

I stand up and quickly get my jacket on. Grant hands me a flashlight and we leave together.

"Go that way and I'll go the other. You'll need this." Grant hands me a communicator. I nod before heading the other way.

The storm swirls around me and the wind howls. I can't imagine what Antilia must be feeling.

Antilia. She was so happy and lively last night. She loved all the attention. Her eyes danced around in the fire light. She was so lovely and now she's lost and cold in the snow storm.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a beep. "I found her. Go on ahead and turn back. We'll meet you at the Compound." Grant says into the communicator.

Good. It's freezing. I turn and walk back to the compound. I hadn't gone that far. The snow is only wisps in the air. I walk through the compound to go see Antilia.

I look up. Antilia and Grant are locked together. They're...kissing. Or at least I'm pretty sure they are. I've actually never seen a kiss. I wasn't allowed to have anything to do with social interaction like that.

I watch as Antilia pulls away. I turn around on my heel and walk away. That was not something I wanted to see. I'll check in with Antilia later.

I head back to my room. I enter it and take off my jacket.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I look up to see Eva.

"I was waiting for my brother." She says. She's sitting on my bed. Her hair is pulled back into a braid. Her eyes are fixed on me as if trying to read me. Or in her case understand.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I need to talk to him," she shrugs. I know she doesn't have to explain herself but I sorta expect her to. But it's different here. In the Capital I was treated specially. Here I am just another person.

"Is it true?" She asks.

"Is what true?" I ask.

"That you aren't exactly human," she stares at me with curiosity.

I hesitate. My head hangs. "Yes it's true," I mutter.

"That's incredible," she says under her breath.

This is a little irritating.

"Why would you like to know?" I ask skeptically.

"It's just incredible. How did it happen? I mean this is insane and it's far ahead of science." Her eyes widen and she's talking quickly. It's kind of funny.

"I don't really know how it happened but it happened. I guess it's great for science but it hasn't helped me," I say. I can't help but grin at how enthralled she is with all this.

"Well doesn't it make you, I dunno, better?" She asks.

"No. I don't think it does really. It just makes me easier to control," I answer.

"Why do they need to control you?" She asks.

"I don't know," I lie. She wouldn't understand so there's no use explaining myself.

The door opens and Grant walks in. He's upset about something. He stalks in and flops onto his bed.

"What's wrong with you?" Eva asks jokingly, clearly teasing her brother.

"I don't want to talk about it," he says into a pillow.

I can't help but crack a grin.

"You look like you just got dumped," Eva says as she rumples Grant's hair.

"Go away Eva!" Grant says as he throws his pillow at her. Eva laughs as she dodges it.

"Fine I'll go. Talk to you guys later," she waves. She's different around her brother. More carefree.

As soon as she is gone Grant sits up.

"So what actually happened?" I ask plopping down onto my bed.

"I don't see why I should tell you. I heard you talking to my sister. You aren't even a freaking human!" Grant sputters.

I get the feeling he doesn't like me much but what was that about? How could he act like that when I at least try to be normal.

"I saw you kissing Antilia," I say softly.

Grant's eyes widen. "What?"

"I was going to check on her but when I got there you were kissing her," I answer.

"She's fine. And yeah I kissed her but she clearly doesn't feel the same way." He says groaning.

Alright then. This boy is just depressed because a girl didn't like him. Wow normal kid issues. They are so simple.

"Why are you laughing at me?" Grant asks.

"I'm sorry it's just," I say I can't help but laugh at him.


"Well you're all upset because a girl doesn't like you. I used to get upset because of the laws that the council created or because I was worried that I wouldn't be liked as Chancellor," I say.
Now I'm laughing at myself. I had such a sheltered life and this past week has changed me.

"But that was before you agreed to join us. Now your just normal," Grant says bitterly.

I have to admit he's right. That was before.

"I'll leave you alone. I'm going on a walk," I say. I slip on my jacket and leave.

I walk not knowing where I'm going. I keep walking around in the snow. It blankets the earth. I love this substance that freezes my fingers. I don't know why but it amazing.

"Zakary?" Someone says softly.

"Hello Antilia," I say. We haven't really talked much. "I'm glad to see you are okay."

"Yeah. Um have you gotten any communications from anyone?" She asks.

"No. Why?" I ask.

"Because I got this and I don't know what to make of it," she hands me a piece of paper.

You can't escape me. I will have the rest of my cure, and you will die just as it is supposed to be. Whether you die from blood draws or I kill you myself you will not survive.

Hey guys. It's been a while. I hope you like this chapter. Anyway please vote and comment. Thanks for reading!

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