Chapter 8

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A/N: I was in a break from writing if you didn't know... anyways


Luke's P.O.V

As Mar does her little victory dance Jack and I glare at her. She is such a cheater but it's okay because in some weird way it makes me like her even more.

I like her. I'm not sure if it's more than a friend but it feels like it. I have been feeling this way since I first met her but since our little incident at the hidden beach I'm even more confused.

I wanted to kiss her and I still do. It's the only thing I can think of, it haunts my dreams.

My phone loudly rings and vibrates on my pocket and I jump making Mar let out a loud laugh. She can be so adorable. I see it's Jai calling and I answer.

He has lately been having trouble with his girlfriend, Ariana - I don't like her - and I have told him she is no good for him but he is too blind to realize it.

"What's up Jai?" I casually say and notice Mar's eye widen.

She can pretend she is all cool with it but I know she is freaking out in the inside.

"Ariana cheated on me." He sobs and my eyes widen but then shake my head. Why am I not surprised?

I knew she would do something like that when I saw her kiss Mac for her music video. There was clearly no need for the clip, it was totally unnecessary but she went with it. Girlfriend of the year. Note for sarcasm.

(A/N: I don't hate Ariana, it's only for the story. Peace and love.)

"Okay, listen, I'm on my way." I say.

"No, no you don't need to come." He says and another sob escapes his lips meaning that yes, I do need to go.

"I'm on my way." I firmly say and hang up.

I don't want Jack or Mar to know about this, firstly I need to know then if Jai gives me permission to tell someone I'll tell Mar, not so sure I'll tell Jack.

"I gotta go, sorry." I say trying my best to not sound upset but clearly not doing a good job at it as Mar frowns as she notices my mood swing.

I give Mar a hug and kiss on the cheek trying to ignore the electricity I get when I touch her - it always happens when I see or touch her. I say goodbye to Jack and leave.

I put my hand on my chest as I feel a weird ache on it. I shake my head and walk towards my car.


"I don't wanna say I told you so but I did." I say and Jai glares at me but then sighs as he knows he deserves it.

"I should have listened to you," he says and I wrap my arms around him bringing him for a hug as he snuggles to me.

I don't care if people say that only girls are supposed to act like this, I know my brother needs a hug and whenever he needs one I'm there for him no matter what. Not only my brother but with anyone else, if I sense the person needs a hug I'll give it to them.

"It's okay," I pat his back and he pulls away as he sniffles.

"I'm sorry I interrupted your time with Mar," he apologizes even though he smiles a bit.

"No, it's fine, you are my brother and you needed me," I say and now he widely smiles.

"Yeah, but you like her," he says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"No, I don't," I argue making him chuckle at my immediate response.

"Dude, it's more than obvious!" He throws his arms above his hands exemplifying at the fact that it is obvious.

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