One Shot

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Summary: Beca comforts Chloe after they find out the Bellas are pretty much over

"Hey, Beca? Chloe won't come out of her room and she won't let anyone in except you."

"Is she okay? What's wrong?" Worry laced my voice, my best friend was apparently locked away in her room cut off from everyone else.

"We don't know, she won't talk to anyone. She just keeps saying to bring you."

"Thanks, Amy." I ran out the door and down the hallway to Chloe's room. Everyone was crowding the door trying to get Chloe to open it.

Pushing my way through the group of girls, I knocked on the door. "Chloe? Hey, it's me. Beca. Let me in, Chlo."

The door opened a crack and I saw her curly red hair in her face. I whispered to Cynthia Rose before going in, "Get everyone back to their normal business, I'll take care of Chloe."

"Chlo, what's wrong? Talk to me." Worry once again laced my voice. She moved her hair out of her face and I saw her puffy, tear-filled eyes look at me.

Before I knew what I was doing I ran over and hugged her, held her in my arms.

She sobbed into my shoulder, it hurt my heart to see her so upset and not know why. "Chlo, look at me. Tell me what's wrong."

"Beca, what if the Bellas are over? What am I going to do? The Bellas are my family, this is my life. I can't handle us not being the Bellas. How will I move on?"

"Shhh. Chloe, we're not gonna let this stop us. The Bellas are not over. We are going to win Worlds, show up whoever Das Sound Machine is, and prove that we are better than everyone out there so we can regain our title."

"But what if-"

"'But what if' nothing, Chlo. Everything is going to be okay, I promise. I'm right here, okay?" I pulled her closer to me and kissed the top of her head.

Chloe and I had just started dating in secret and I was still pretending to date Jesse so the other girls wouldn't know. We were a very affectionate couple, though, so it was hard to hide our feelings around our friends.

I held her in my arms while we sat on her bed and eventually she layed down, taking me with her. She fell asleep in my arms and looked so peaceful and happy, I couldn't get myself up to leave.

She was so stressed about the Bellas possibly being over forever and we just barely learned of the news.

I promised her everything would be okay. Did I mean that? Yes. Nothing in the world could ever stop me from making sure I keep that promise.

With that thought on my mind, I drifted off into sleep, still holding my girlfriend in my arms, keeping her close to me all night.


Author's Note, the picture added is one I found on Tumblr, so credit to the artist. Unfortunately, I don't remember who I screenshot it from. (Also, 99.9% of pictures I add will taken from Tumblr/Instagram/etc. due to my lack of artistic talent, so credits to all artists.)

Also, I will try to update once a week but we'll see what happens... :/

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