One Shot

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Summary: Chloe forces Beca to go laser tagging with her and it helps Beca realize something about them.

"This is lame."

Chloe frowned at her friends words. "Beca!! You promised you wouldn't complain about today."

"Ugh fine, I won't complain that you dragged me out of the Bella house to come play laser tag with you. Why work on more mixes in the comfort of my bedroom alone, when I could be here with toy guns that shoot light beams and heavy chest plates I can barely carry?" Beca deadpanned.

Chloe smiled a wide smile at the smaller woman and grabbed her wrist, pulling her into the room to get ready. "Aca-awesome! Let's go!!"

The younger girl groaned as she was dragged away.


Beca groaned for what felt like the thousandth time since they had arrived as her chest plate buzzed once again after Chloe "shot" her. She hated to say she was actually having fun, maybe Chloe was right when she said Beca needed to get out more.

Chloe's aim wasn't the best, Beca's wasn't either but it was the better of the two. But she refused to come out of their session with a higher score than the redhead.

Suddenly the lights came back on and an announcement sounded through the room saying the session was over and to leave the room.

"Ha! I totes beat you!" Chloe gloated when they got their score cards.

Beca smiled listening to Chloe go on and on about how some other girl cheated by personally targeting her the whole.

"I'm telling you, Becs, she was SO out to get me."

Shaking her head and fighting back a laugh, Beca agreed with her best friend, "Yeah, no, definitely, Chlo. She saw the red hair and said 'That one. She's the target' and she just went after you the whole time."

"That was def the only bad part about today." Chloe winked at Beca as they walked out to the car.

Beca rolled her eyes. She looked over, ready to tease Chloe back, when she noticed how the light of the setting sun hit Chloe's face. She didn't think the girl could look more beautiful, and yet here she was, surprising Beca once again.

"What are you looking at, Becs? Is there something on my face?" Chloe rushed to look in the reflection of the car window to check herself.

"No, sorry. Just.. thank you for dragging me out of the house with you today. I actually had fun." A small smile was on Beca's face before she continued, "But don't tell any of the other Bellas I said that."

"Of course not, Becs. You needed to get out of your room anyway."

Beca opened the car door for Chloe before getting into the driver's seat and heading home, listening to Chloe talk about whatever came to her mind.

Later that night, Beca was trying to work on a new mix when she couldn't stop thinking about Chloe and how beautiful she had looked.

She groaned, knowing she wasn't going to get any work done tonight with thoughts of the blue-eyed ginger plaguing her mind.

As if she knew she was going through the brunettes mind, Chloe knocked on Beca's door, opening it slightly to peak in. "Hey, are you busy?"

Beca shook her head as she spun around in her desk chair, "As if that would stop you, Beale. Come in."

"Oh I just wanted to know if you want to go play mini golf with me tomorrow." Chloe opened the door so she could come in, but closed it behind her and immediately laid on Beca's bed, making berself comfortable.

"How about this weekend instead?" Beca knew there was never any point in telling the girl no, it made her sad and she hated seeing that.

Chloe smiled wide and nodded her head, excited already. She began rambling about how much fun they were going to have and it was in that moment Beca realized maybe she had feelings for Chloe that were a little more than just friendship.

Author's Note:
Hey guys!! It's been a while since I've written anything so if this isn't too good, please don't judge. Hopefully I'll be better at posting now that school is out and hopefully what I post is gonna get back up to better quality!!

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