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Wazzam baby?

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Wazzam baby?

(This won't take long at all.)

Before I announce the commencement of the annual scalping session, I would like to reintroduce my cute self. 😏

My name is Bernice Burns

I am 5 feet 2 inches tall (I lost an inch over the past year :/ )...

Michael Jackson, Chris Brown, Delano Edwards, = my LIFE. (Delano Edwards FACE TIMED ME!!! )

I am NOT. MIXED. I don't understand why I get that question so much here man! I am the result of black on black action okay? Okay.

I snatch edges, wigs, and lace fronts for a living so...grab your edge control and hold on to your wig caps... :)

Warning: Do NOT come to me incorrectly...Don't. Or I will have no other choice but to drag your ass up and down people's News Feed and snatch your scalp cleaner than Steve Harvey. :3


¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Now. Have a nice day!

And I'll be back soon with updates!


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