Answering @_PaulaAbdul_ :)

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Question One: What is your relationship status?

Single. And this is why.

Being the bigger person here. I must get this off my chest.

I do not miss HER. I loved her with every inch of my heart and soul,but she did some terrible shit. Snake shit. And tried to turn it on me.I do not miss HER. But I miss our conversations. You know? She was fun. She was different. Like me...Rare. Now, it's hard to talk to anyone else becauseno one replies. Everyone is too busy for you. You feel alone. Almost forced to move on, when you're just not ready and it gets annoying. I don't wish to date, so please, stop bothering me with the romantic bullshit. I don't trust it. I've had some depressing moments. But I learned that I was the fool. I saw the warning signs and I just thought it was my insecure mindset playing tricks on me. Making me see, feel, and think things...but in actuality, I knew all along. She made me feel unlovable. Weak. Stupid. Whorish. And she made me feel like a burden because of my depression and mood altering episodes...WHICH I can't help. But..that's okay. She was the straw that broke the camels back. I no longer wish to love. I don't trust it.

You guys know I've been through alot

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You guys know I've been through alot. And finding out that a year and 7 months of my love, time, and energy had been wasted...yeah. 

Question Two: What is your favorite book that you've wrote?

 Question Two: What is your favorite book that you've wrote?

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Hands down! I'll try and update soon. Too much going on right now. I'll get to it soon.

Question Three: What's your favorite song?

Question Three: What's your favorite song?

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YOUNG M.A'S "GET THIS MONEY" even though it's a old song and she just released a video for it yesterday, I am STILL in love with it!!!

Question Four: How you been?

Question Four: How you been?

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Pretty damn bad. :)

Question Five: Whom is Danrue Love?

A fine ass dancer from Baton Rouge, Lousiana

A.K.A "The man with the plan"

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