30-Mike's POV (oOh)

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I nodded at my sister and we went back to the living room. I sat next to Essie and put my arms around her. I kissed her cheek and put my lips to her ear.

"I love you, baby girl," I whispered and put my hand on her thigh. She turned and looked at me too.

"I love you," she whispered. I smiled and rubbed her thigh. She laid her head on my chest and put her hand on my stomach.

"You're so perfect," I said.

"Kelli is perfect too," Tori said. Kelli smiled and Tori took her hat back.

"No. Give it," Kelli whined. I laughed at the two as Kelli and Tori fought over the hat.

Essie threw them her 'Cake & Pussy' hat. "I love this hat," Tori said.

"Keep it. I prefer dick," she said. She winked at me and I smiled. "But I'm still pansexual."

"Ooh. Fancy," Kelli said. I rolled my eyes and Kelli put the hat on her head. She looked at Victoria.

"It doesn't go with your outfit, but you still look sexy," she said and kissed her girlfriend. I'm so happy for my sister. At least she isn't whoring around. "Kelli, you should be a stripper," tori said.

"Stop being a whore. But maybe when we get home," Kelli said and winked at her.

"Which one of you fucking called me while you were having sex," I asked.

"Probably Kelli. She never locks her phone," Tori said.

"Wait, when was it," Kelli asked.

"Like two days ago," I answered.

"That was Tori. She was laying on my phone when I-"

"Don't need to know," I blurted.

"I was just eating her out. I'm sure you've done it to her before," she grumbled. I fake gagged and Essie hit my chest.

"Abuse," I said.

"You're abusing your sister and her girlfriend," she said, "so shush."

"Power bottom," Tori said and got up. She went back to the kitchen and then came back with a beer.

"Looks like I'm driving you home," Kelli said.

"Thanks for the beer," Papa said and took the beer from Victoria, then leaving. She just stood there for a minute, pouting.

"Get your nice ass over here," Kelli said and Tori sat down. She laid on Kelli and she started playing with her hair.

"They're so cute, but we're cuter," Essie said. I smiled and agreed with my beautiful girlfriend.

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