Chapter 10: Secrets Secrets Are No Fun

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I woke up in my rock-hard bed. It was as black as pitch, though it was already morning. Eren had to have put me here, there was no one else who could have. I rolled off my bed, but I'd forgotten about my injuries, which hurt like hell to sit up with. I cleaned myself up, then began walking to the dining hall where I saw the entire squad having a meeting.

Levi was chattering about something I couldn't quite distinguish, while the rest of the group listened anxiously. When he realized I was eavesdropping, he sent Petra on my case. Levi pointed a stone finger to me and Petra carefully got out of her seat to join me. She pulled me over to my room and locked the door. What the hell is going on?

I even saw Eren in the dining room, he looked nervous and petrified. I took a deep breath and asked Petra about her sudden outburst of energy to lead me all the way back to my quarters.

"Petra?" I asked and she nodded, "-what was that about?" I could see through her fake smile.

"Oh, the meeting? It's nothing! I Was excused from it so I thought we could do some girly things like braid each other's hair or something!" She let out a nervous chuckle and I was immediately on her case.

"You're not telling the full truth, are you?" I asked, my expression was blank, yet a bit agitated.

She smiled before speaking. "I'm not lying Tayler! I just thought we could hang out a little while." I frowned. I didn't fully believe her, but I thought 'why not'. I wasn't going to let this secret meeting of hers off the hook though, I was going to try and con the answer out of her.

"We should braid hair in your dorm though, since you probably have more accessories or something." It was worth a shot.

" sure I guess." She seamed a bit uneasy. I wanted to "hang out" in her room because she was closer to the dining room, and the walls were like paper so I could hear everything they said.

When we walked over to her room and sat down, I think Petra understood my intentions. "It's a little loud in here, don't you think? We should probably head back to your room.." She suggested but I turned it down. Petra realized I could hear their conversations, so she spoke loudly every opportunity she could.

I sat a foot away from her while she braided my hair, not like she's get that far considering it's length. "So Tayler, what do you think of Eren? You guys have been rather close." I shrugged as a slight blush brushed my cheeks.

"Oh, we're just friends, actually I don't even know if we're close enough to be considered that" I could tell she was smirking.

"I see, are you sure?" Yeah, I was pretty sure. Suddenly I was a bit uninterested of the topic of the meeting. I was falling for her tricks!

"So how about you and Levi?" She hesitated wrapping the sliver of my chestnut locks for a moment, then continued as if the words were jumbled in her throat. "Oh, uh well you see....-" And with that the door was swung open to reveal the lifeless, emotionless, evil man known as Levi.

"The meeting is competed, she can come out now." He snarled as he looked at me. Petra tied the braid she was finishing with a hair tie and helped me to my feet.

"Okay captain!" Petra replied. I grabbed my hairbrush, then walked over to Eren's room. Maybe he'd tell me what I'd missed out on. I knocked on the door and Eren hesitantly opened it, sweat rolling down the side of his face.

I was immediately worried, what could have possibly gone down in that room? "Eren, what happened? Why wasn't I aloud in that room?" He wiped the sweat off his face and a false smile played on his lips.

" nothing happened, just a routine meeting to discuss our plans of action is all. Nothing big." I could tell some pieces of that were true, but it wasn't the full truth. I decided to overlook it, they couldn't have planned anything too big without me, could they?"

"Oh. Are you sure? Why couldn't I come in, everyone else did." He gulped.

"Well, the matters were a little out of your league since you're pretty new. That's all." I nodded. "Well. I'm going to take care of some matters before lunch, report to Levi, okay?" I furrowed my eyebrows and gave a confused stare.

"Alright then, I'll see you at lunch" He smiled. I could have sworn I heard him lean up against the door in relief once he closed it. What's going one? Why is everyone acting so strange?

I did as I was told, and headed to Levi's "office", I guess that's what I could call it. I knocked, then he answered it, moving his hand to signal me to come in. I sat on the tip of his bed as he began to speak.

"That power you used yesterday.. How did you attain it?" I didn't know how to answer that. I tried not to give a confused expression, but I'm pretty sure that attempt failed.

"Um, I don't know sir." I just wanted out of that room. I hated this guy.

He just stared at me, as if he knew I was lying. "Fine then. Do you know what abilities you have with this power? Anything you can do that is abnormal? How about that painful blood trick you pulled on me?" He asked. I sighed.

"I don't know what I'm capable of, all I know is that I can harden the exterior of my skin. That so called 'blood trick' I pulled yesterday was totally random, I don't know how it came to be." He looked over my bandages, then back to my face.

"It looks like your wounds from yesterday have healed faster than a normal person's, though they are still open." When would he stop playing 20 questions!

"I guess you could say that.." I answered.

"So again, do you know what you are capable of with your powers?" I shook my head no.

"Well then, I guess we'll just have to find out" He said in a dark tone. I was honestly a bit frightened.


A/N Looks like Tayler's got something wicked coming her way. Anyways, I just wanted to thank everyone for all the comments and votes, they mean a lot (: I would have never been able to get this far without you guys. Can't thank you enough (:

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