Chapter 17: Understanding the Consequences

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Dedication: Happy birthday Erin! I'm sorry there isn't much I could do, but I really wanted to give you a special dedication on you're birthday! Sorry this chapter isn't very pleasant, but oh well. It's the thought that counts. :D I hope you have a great day!! 


Everything was becoming blurry and my head felt like a thousand pounds. I couldn't make a sound, just silent gasps of air released from my body. Why would my own father try to kill me? I clenched my arm, it felt like razors breaching every square inch of my arm. But even worse, I was crying.

I sat on the forest floor, waiting for the titans to smell my blood, then wait to devour me. My eyes burned like hell, each blink was excruciating and followed by a fiery, hot liquid identified as tears. My horse stomped it's hooves, as if it knew I needed to leave this area before I bled to death. I didn't care though, I just wanted to die.

My arm wasn't healing like Eren's. I was going to be like this for the rest of my life, wasn't I? My father never wanted anything to do with me either. He fed me certain lies. I really didn't have anyone who cared about me, did I? I thought long and hard. Or as long and hard as I could have, considering the room was spinning and my head felt like it was going to explode.

Eren? He cares about me, right? I pondered the situation. He must have cared about me. He even kissed me.. if that's not caring then what is? Of course it wasn't a real kiss. It was a thank you.. I can't let him down. He told me not to die and I promised I'd come back. I must...get there.

My horse trotted toward me, as if it knew what I was requesting. I trudged my stiff muscles forward. I was beginning to hear the stomping of prodigious feet behind me. Maybe I'd get my wish after all.. I climbed my horse and tried to command it in the right direction, but everything was fuzzy. My eyes wouldn't stay open.

I pulled off my shirt and wrapped it around my stub of a shoulder. I was left in my bra which was embarrassing, but I had no choice. Neon dots clouded my vision and I heard sharp, painful clicks in the back of my head. My horse was at full speed, running me to safety. It was a trained horse so It knew the way. I let out a sharp sigh as I looked over at my white shirt, now stained a deep crimson.

I tried to fight out the dots that swarmed around in my head, but I couldn't I fought to the last second, when the dots piled up until I couldn't see any further and my sight went blank. 


My heart was pounding, that's all I could hear. Grass was rubbed against my face, poking the soft flesh. My shoulder felt wet, but I couldn't determine why. My eyes wouldn't open, I guess they were too tired. My vision was red, that's all I could see. I could feel myself breathe in the dense air, my breaths got slower and ragged.

What was my name again? I couldn't remember. Why is it so cold? I could feel myself shuddering yet burning to a crisp at the same time. My chest had so much pressure built up and my hearing wasn't acute. With my damaged hearing, I could still hear some light footsteps crunching in the grass. It sounded like the crunching of crisp leaves in the Autumn, but amplified times a hundred.

"Tayler? oh you're ba- HOLY SHIT." I felt strong arms around my bare skin. I couldn't tell who it was. Did I know this person? I could tell the boy was running with me bridal style because I could feel the air slash my skin. Not to mention how much I was jostled.

"Levi, Petra, somebody help me!" The boy's voice was hoarse and exhausted. Somehow, it sounded vaguely familiar.

"What the hell is it, Eren?" I could hear the swooshing sound of someone turning around, then all fell silent and I was rushed to a room.

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