Chapter 3: Truth or Dare and The Secret Admirer

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"Hello Luna. Hey Ginny," I said as Ginny and Luna walked in. Draco got two glasses of firewhiskey each (mostly because he didn't want what happened last time) from the kitchen.

We sat, and laughed, and talked almost all night until Ginny suggested we play truth or dare. Ginny went first. "Harry Potter, truth or dare." "Dare." "I dare you to straddle Draco, kiss him for a few seconds, then sit there until your next turn." Draco blushed hard. I just sat there staring at Ginny. "Go or I'll hex you," Ginny warned.

I got up and walked over to Draco and got onto his lap. There lips met for a few seconds and then came apart. Luna and Ginny cheered. Draco's eyes wandered to my crotch area again. It got miraculously bigger in those few seconds. I was having an erection. On top of Draco. And he noticed.

"Alright Harry, It's your turn to ask someone," Luna said. "Ok. Draco, Truth or dare." "Truth." "Do you like anybody that is living in this common room this year? Meaning, Do you like someone in slytherin or Gryffindor?" Draco blushed from beneath me. "Yes."

Draco then dared Luna to blindfoldedly put makeup on Ginny. That was very funny. I could feel Draco shake of laughter from under me. That made my erected cock even bigger, if even possible.

Then Luna dared me to play the rest of the game in my underwear only. That sucked because it made my cock look even bigger. So I sat on the couch, in my underwear, crossing my legs so you can't see my erection, and almost touching Draco with my leg.

Soon Ginny and Luna fell asleep on an armchair together, and me and Draco decided to go back to our room. We were walking there side by side, arms almost touching. Him in his clothes and me in my underwear. "I promise I won't push you down on my bed and start stripping your clothes off when we get in there," I said, snickering. "Shut up, Potter."

We walked into our room and I quickly put some pajamas on. "Eh potter, how's the erection going?" Draco asked, smiling. "Great."


"Harry, Harry, wake up." Draco was shaking him. I rubbed my eyes and put my glasses on. "Merry Christmas," Draco said. "Is that why woke me up?" I asked. "Oh. No. Ginny wants to open presents all together, and Luna is getting antsy," he said. "Oh. Merry Christmas by the way," I said.

I took all my present into the common room next to Draco's pile. I got some mince pies and a maroon sweater from Mrs. Weasley, an eagle quill from Hermione, a plastic snitch from Ginny that zoomed around, book on how to catch nargles from Luna, some tricks from Fred and George's shop, and Ron got me some candy from Honeydukes.

Lastly there was a box with no name on it. "Who's that from?" Ginny asked. "I don't know. There's no name on it." "Open it, open it," Luna said. I opened it. Inside the box were some very expensive chocolate and a hogwarts pendent where all the animals were moving in it. There was also a mini card. It read, 'Merry Christmas -from your secret admirer'. "This is... amazing! It says it's from my secret admirer. I wonder who it is," I said.


A couple days before new year's eve, I got another letter from my secret admirer and showed Luna, Ginny, and Draco. "I hope you liked the gifts -H.p,'s Secret Admirer. Interesting. Do you think it is a person that is here right now?" Luna said, reading the letter. "The person could of sent an owl," Draco said. "True," said Luna.


We decided to stay up all night with some firewhiskey (only two glasses per person again) on New year's eve. And again the girls wanted to play truth or dare, but this time you can only dare people. "So instead of truth or dare we're just playing dare. Ok I get it," Draco said.

The girls thought it would be fun to dare Draco and I to do a lot of sexual things together. They had to just wear their underwear, swop underwear (Draco is a little bigger than me, so mine were tight on him, letting a lot show. I was going crazy! Don't even get me started on on the erections, for both me and Draco!), little kisses, big make outs, and the night's not over.

"Harry, I dare you to hump Draco until your next round," Luna said. Her and Ginny giggled. I climbed on top of Draco. He blushed harder and harder as I started humping him.

"Ginny, I dare you to go topless for the rest of the game," I said while sitting on top of an almost naked Draco. Ginny took her shirt off to show a bright purple bra. "Draco, I dare you to straddle Harry for the rest of the game, after he stops humping you," Ginny said. "Luna, I dare you to also take your shirt off," Draco said, while I was still, half naked, on top of him. She took her shirt off to reveal a yellow bra.

"Harry I dare you to snog Draco for a minute," she said. I didn't even get off of Draco. I laid down and snogged him. Somewhere in the middle I started slightly moving my body in sync to the kissing until Luna told us that our minute was up. I got off of Draco sat down on the couch and let Draco climb onto my lap.

We didn't say a word to each other when we climbed into our beds.

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