Chapter 5: Ronald Weasley's Freak Out

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Draco and I haven't talked much in about 2 weeks after all that happened. We were both too busy with classes and quidditch, and whenever we were both in our room, we were too tired to talk or do anything else. Until one Friday night.

"Hey," Draco said, after walking out of the bathroom. "Hi," I said, while lying on my bed. "So, you know," Draco said, "we haven't done much in a while, and we're both here tonight and it's early, so do you want to..." He was turning a little pink. "Of course, Draco. Come on over," I invited.

He came over and straddled me as we both took our shirts off. I traced his abs with my finger as he worked on my pants. He did the same as I worked on his.

And then we started kissing. That was it mostly. Just kissing. Little moans and Groans here and there, but we just both missed each other.


I woke up to a knock on the door. It opened. I put my glasses on. It was Ron. "Hey Harry, Hermio..." He stopped and looked at the situation. Draco and I lying in the same bed together. Naked.

"What in the name of Merlin's beard is this?! You know what, no. I don't even want to know," Ron said as he slammed the door and left. "Wait, Ron, wait!" I got up, threw on some clothes, and left to find Ron.

He was in the Corridor outside of the common room. "Ron, wait," I said. He turned around. His face was red. He looked mad. "Does Ginny know?! Does Ginny know about... that?!" Ron yelled. "Of, of course she does Ron," I said, trying to keep my cool. "So, you guys have been lying to us this whole time?! How could you break up with my sister for that?!"

"Well, technically, we both broke up together." "So, you're telling me that Ginny is with somebody else?!" "Yes." "I don't, I don't." He sighed. "I don't want to hear anymore of this! Meet me and Hermione out at our favorite tree at midnight with Malfoy, Ginny, and her... somebody else. I want to hear the whole story. And Hermione probably will too." He stormed away.


Draco, Ginny, Luna, and I were walking across the grounds at midnight. "So, was he really that mad?!" Ginny asked. "Yes. I've never seen him like it," I said.

We made our way to the tree. Hermione and Ron were already there. "Hermione," Ron said, "do it." "Ron, I don't think it's necessary." "Nobody's leaving until were done." Hermione put up a big force field type thing around us all, and she cast the muffliato spell, so we can't be heard out here.

In all that, Ron didn't seem too notice Luna. Until now. "That's who you're dating, Ginny?! Luna?!" His face was turning red again. "Yes, but R..." "Luna of all people?! I need to know why this all happened now." Ginny, Luna, and Draco looked at me. Mostly because I was in the middle of it all.

"So, it all started when we had that before Christmas party. Afterward, me and Draco were very, VERY drunk by the way, we, um, did 'it'. The next day we ignored each other and I talked to Ginny about it. I realised, then, that I had feelings for Draco, and me and Ginny talked it through. That's when she told me her feelings for Luna, so we decided to end our relationship there.

"But we also decided to pretend to date, so, if we ever got the relationships we wanted, we could keep them secret. Then later that night, Ginny persuaded me too talk too Draco about how the 'it' didn't really mean anything. That we were just both drunk.

"Then I decided to get Ginny to ask Luna out, which worked out. Then we all hung out all Christmas break, with many games of truth or dare, and the first encounter with my secret admirer, which I told you about.

"Then there was the Valentine's Day party. Again, me and Draco got really drunk and did 'it' again. I was really mad, because both times Draco started it, but forgave him because we were drunk. That's when I found the other note from my Secret Admirer.

"I went down too meet my secret admirer, but I was early. Soon after, Draco walked in the Room of Requirement, claiming he forgot that I was meeting someone there. We sat for awhile until I realised, Draco was my secret Admirer.

"Some 'personal stuff' happened after that. I told Ginny what happened. And then just last night we did 'it' again and that's when you walked in on us in the morning." When I finished, Ron and Hermione were staring at us four with deep astonishment.

"I can't, I can't believe it. Hermione, let me out of here now. Now!" Ron said, still as white as a ghost. "Ron, just sit for a moment," said Hermione. "No! Let me out!! Now!" Ron yelled. Hermione lifted the field and Ron stormed off, again.

Hermione had tears in her eyes. "Harry, I am so sorry." The tears were now streaming down her face. "I'm so sorry that Ron doesn't understa..." That's when she really broke down crying. We all went to comfort her. Even Draco.

That morning, I walked down, with Ginny, too breakfast. When we got there, Ron and Hermione were already there. We both cautiously took seats in front of them. "Hi," I said. "Look, Harry, Ginny. I'm sorry that I overreacted. I can't change who you're in love with. I was just a bit shocked," Ron said.

"Thanks so much for understanding Ron," Ginny said. Ron looked over at me. "You're the greatest best friend out there," I said everyone laughed. I looked over at the Slytherin table. Draco was looking back. I winked at him too tell him that Ron finally understood.

Draco all of the sudden got up and ran to our table. Some people were staring. Then he stood up on the table, right in front of me. Everyone was staring now. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up there with him. Then kissed me. And I kissed back. I could hear people gasping, and clapping, and cheering, and whistling, and booing, and hissing. But it all didn't matter too me. Nothing matter to me at that moment other than Draco.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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