Chapter 4: Valentine's Day

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"I swear, the slytherins will have a party when somebody sneezes," Ron said when we were help setting up a valentine's day party, but the weird thing is that it's a day before Valentine's day.

Draco walked in with lots of firewhiskey. "I'm surprised you grabbed so much, Draco. You plan on doing it again?" I said, mockingly. Draco put the firewhiskey on the table and walked by, to our room, muttering something that sounded like "not here Potter".

"Do what again?" Ron asked. "Oh, nothing," Right then some Slytherins walked in with food and that officially started the party. Draco came down and glared at me when he saw me drinking, but decided to grab a drink too.

After a little while, Dean said that he was going to set up the game extreme spin the bottle if anyone wanted to play. Some people raised their glasses to it meaning they'd play.

Everyone sat in a circle around the bottle. Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Draco, Dean, Seamus, Pansy, Neville, and a few other Slytherins. "So to play this game, you take a piece of paper out of the bottle and read it out loud. It will tell you how to kiss your victim. Then you spin the bottle. Then you kiss the victim how the card says and however long it says," Dean explained.

"So, who should go first?" Dean asked. Everybody looked at him. "Ok fine." Dean went first. He had too kiss Seamus while sitting on his lap for 30 seconds. Ron, then, had to kiss pansy while standing for 5 seconds. Then Hermione had to kiss Blaine for 10 seconds while Blaine held her breast.

And then, it was my turn. I grabbed a paper out of the bottle and read it aloud. "Kiss your victim for 5 minutes laying on top of them and getting into the groove," it read. I turned pale. "Good job Harry! I think that's the longest and sexiest of them all!" Dean said.

I then spun the bottle. I was hoping, pleading it wouldn't land on Draco. And it did. We stared at each other as people gasped when they saw who it landed on. "Come on Harry," Seamus said, "do it."

I crawled over to Draco as he was lying down. I climbed on top of him, laid down, and started kissing. And there starts the longest 5 minutes of my life.

Draco started to kiss back. Every once in awhile Draco would shoot his tongue into my mouth and I had to fight back a groan of pleasure.

Once those long minutes were over, we broke apart instantly. I was still lying on him, staring into his gray eyes. "Are you going to get off me any time soon, Potter?" Draco asked. "Oh, uh, yeah, sorry," I responded as I got off of him.

The game went on, but I barely paid attention. I was still thinking about our kiss as I absentmindedly drank more and more firewhiskey. Sometime during the game, Draco went staggering back to our room.

A little bit after I found my way to our room and walked in. I sat on my bed and watched Draco come out off the bathroom. "Hey Potter, truth or dare." "Dare." "I dare you to come sit next to me on my bed."

I walked over and sat down. Draco pushed me down on the bed and started kissing me. He climbed on top of me and unbuttoned my shirt, then worked on my pants. He successfully got my clothes off while I started on his clothes.

Once we were both naked, Draco grabbed my cock and started to rub it. "Draco..." I groaned. "Faster Draco, faster." He rub it faster and faster. It didn't feel like anything I'd experienced before. It felt... good. "Draco... I'm gonna cum." "Good." And sure enough liquid started to run down my leg. "Oh my, Draco."


I woke up, put my glasses on, and looked beside me. Draco was there. Again. I punched him in the arm and he woke up. "Shit Potter. That hurt," he said. "We're laying in bed together, because of you!" I yelled at him. "Yeah, Yeah, I know, but we were drunk. So, let's just forget it happened," Draco said. "But this is the second time it has happened!" "Well, you know what?! I get horney when I'm Drunk and you were conveniently there. Both times," said Draco,

"Look, Draco. I'm just a little pissed that it happened again and I realise that we were drunk. I forgive you." "Thank god. I didn't want to fight all day." They both laughed. "Ok let's get moving. It's awkward talking to your former enemy without any clothes on."

I was almost ready to walked up to breakfast, when I noticed a note right inside of our door. "Hey Draco. Check this out. It's another letter from my secret admirer," I said Draco came over and sat next to me on my bed. 'Meet me on valentine's day, at the room of requirements, at midnight,' it read.

"That's tonight!" I said. "It is indeed," Draco said.


I didn't know what to wear. I just decided to go casual. Right then I saw Draco walking out of the room.

"Where you going?" I asked. "Oh, uh, just taking a walk. Clear my head, you know," he replied. "You alright?" "Yeah, had a busy day is all." "Alright, alright, have fun. Don't get caught." And he left.

It was half an hour before midnight when I decided to go to the room of requirements. I grabbed my cloak and the marauders map and walked out. I had no problems whatsoever, so it took me about 15 minutes.

I walked in and no one was there. I decided that I was a little bit early, when someone walked in. It was... Draco?

"Draco?!" I said astoundedly. "Oh, uh, Harry hi. I, um, forgot you were meeting someone in here. Did they, uh, come yet?" Draco asked. "No. it's a little early though," I answered. "Oh."

We both sat in chairs for awhile until I asked, "Truth or dare." "Truth," Draco said. "Did you enjoy both times we had sex together?" I asked. He paused. "Y-yes. Truth or Dare." "Truth," I said.

"Did you enjoy the 5 minute kiss we shared last night?" He asked. "Yes. Truth or Dare." "Truth." "Are you my secret admirer?" "Yes." He blushed.

"Truth or Dare, Draco," I asked. "Dare," he responded. "I dare you to kiss me." And he did.


"Well, hello handsome," Draco said, That morning. "Hello Draco," I said, putting on my glasses. It was a beautiful saturday morning. I got up, put some clothes on and walked down to breakfast.

"Hey Harry," Hermione said. "Did you meet your secret admirer last night?" Said Ron. "What? Oh, yeah. It was just some, uh, first year Hufflepuff I've never met before. Um, Ginny, can I talk to you for a moment, alone," I said,

"Sure Harry. Everything alright?" "Yes, of course." We left Hermione and Ron, and walked into an empty classroom right outside the Great Hall.

"What's up?" Ginny asked. "Well, um, the thing is, my secret admirer was, uh, not a first year Hufflepuff. It was Draco Malfoy," I said. "No way! Well, I guess i'm not surprised. I've seen the way he looks at you. So, what happened when you found out?"

"We kind of, um, hooked up," I said blushing. "Wow! That's amazing Harry! Are you guys a thing now or what?" Ginny asked. "To tell you the truth, I don't know. I think so though," I responded.

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