Part 6 - Patrick

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"Yo man!" Called Sean from across the street.

Patrick ran over and shook his hand. They hadn't seen each other in about a year.

"How you been?" Sean asked.

"Good man, you?" Patrick replied.

"Good. You still into that girl?"

"Did you think I'd ever give up?"

"Good, because I got some information about her."

"What about?" Patrick asked feeling anxious.

"She moved in with some dude. Paulie's his name and he's know for being a player."

"Paulie?" Patrick knew he'd heard the name somewhere, but he wasn't sure where. "Any clue where this kid lives?"

"I see him at Marconi a lot, I'd check there," Sean replied.

Patrick felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

"It was good talking to you, Sean, but I gotta get goin'."

"A'ight I'll see you around, good luck with that chick."

"Thanks man," Patrick continued down the street as he checked his phone.

There was two messages from two separate girls. Neither of them were happy and they both asked him to go to the same place.

Patrick turned the corner and saw both the girls sitting and talking on a park bench. He crossed the street and walked over to the two.

"What is wrong with you?" Screamed Jenni, the girl from the party, at Patrick.

"You couldn't be happy with just one?" Yelled the other girl who's name Patrick had long forgotten.

"You were just some skank on the street," he said to the girl he didn't remember.

Jenni got up to walked away, but Patrick grabbed her arm.

"I was drunk Jenni. It was a one time thing. I made a mistake and I'm sorry," he tried to explain.

"A one time thing," Jenni yelled sarcastically. "You've done this to every other girl you dated!"

"Jenni please just-"

"Get the fuck off me!" Jenni pulled her arm away stumbling slightly backward.

"Jenni, come on," Patrick said to Jenni who was almost too far away to hear him now.

"You're a total asshole!" The other girl pushed Patrick down and made her way out of the park.

Patrick got up and cleaned himself off. He was craving liquor and revenge, but that would be of use some other time. He grabbed his wallet, which had fallen out of his pocket, and began the ten block walk to his friend Chris's house.

He knocked on the door to, by Patrick's standards, a small two story home. Chris's mother answered.

"Chris here?" Patrick asked.

"You just missed him. He went to the auto shop," she replied with a smile.

"Thanks Susan," Patrick walked down the from steps taking his phone from his pocket.

He searched through a few contacts until he found Jimmy's. He sent the call.

"Yo man!" Jimmy answered.

"I need a favor," Patrick replied.


"Meet me at Marconi now, bring the gang," Patrick hung up the phone and made his way down the street. He stopped by Christopher's Auto Shop.

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