Part 7 - Christopher

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Christopher Accardo, better known as Chris, lived with his mother, Susan Accardo and soon-to-be husband, Christopher Tomaro. He was a shy kid with a bad reputation. He worked at his father's auto shop and was in love with cars. His parents' lives weren't perfect. They'd know each other for eighteen years now and called off about five weddings since.

Christopher Tomaro was married to another woman when he got Susan pregnant. The other woman had been pregnant for about a month then as well. Christopher was in love with Susan so that's who he decided to be with, but not everything was perfect about their relationship.

Christopher refused to tell Susan or their son who his other child was. Susan felt as though she deserved to know, but Christopher wouldn't say.

Chris was full of secrets, just like his father. One of his best buddies was Patrick McKinley. They shared a lot in common, including the interest in the same girl. Patrick didn't know that though.


After Chris and the gang left Patrick sitting and observing on Paulie's street corner, he headed back to his father's auto shop. It was already close to closing time.

"Decide to come back when the day's basically over?" Christopher said smirking.

"Sorry about that Pa, I'll close up," Chris replied.

"You damn well better," Christopher said throwing his son the keys and taking off his jumpsuit.

Once his father left the shop, Chris took the client book out from underneath the front desk. He search through the pages until he found the address for Charlie Falco. He locked up the shop and made his way to the house.

Chris knocked on the front door and waited for an answer. A younger man with black hair did so.

"Who are you?" The boy asked wondering why the random kid was at his house.

"Your Tony, Paulie's friend, right?"

"Who's askin'?"

"Chris Accardo," Chris extended his hand, Tony shook it. "I think your friend's in trouble."

"What makes you say that?"

"Patrick," Chris said and Tony raised an eyebrow. "He likes Delilah and he's waiting outside their house for her. He's gonna hurt Paulie, trust me I know him."

"How much time we got?"

"I don't know," Chris said with a weariness in his voice.

Tony pushed him aside and began running down the street, Chris followed a few steps behind.

When they arrived at Paulie's corner they saw him and Patrick talking.

"Let's go!" Tony exclaimed.

"I can't. You've got to deal with this yourself." Chris explained.

"Thanks for nothin'."

"You're welcome." Chris rolled his eyes and Tony took off down the street.

Chris wanted to watch to see what happened, but he knew it would be a bad idea. If Patrick saw him watching, that would be the end.

He started to walk home, but within five minuets Paulie, Tony, and Delilah joined him.

"Thanks man," Paulie said extending a hand. They all stopped walking and Chris shook it. "How come I've never seen you before?"

"Our friends don't usually mingle." Chris replied.

"Right," Paulie said hard and to the point.

"I wanted to thank you too, Chris," Delilah said, Chris couldn't contain his smile.

"It's no biggie, really," Chris said putting his hands in his pockets and blushing.

"Can you give us a second?" Delilah said to Pualie and Tony. The boys walked away. "Who knows what that guy would've done if he got his hand on me. I owe you."

"You owe me?"

"Yeah, why. Have something in mind?"

Chris grabbed Delilah's hand and moved her closer. With his other hand he pushed a piece of hair out of her face and leaned in and kissed her.

"Why don't I walk you home?" Delilah asked when they both pulled away.

"That's sounds unethical."

"This whole day has been out of sorts so why stop now." Delilah began to walk in the direction that Chris had been going.

The two talked and flirted on their way to Chris's home. Christopher was sitting on the front steps smoking a cigar.

"Who might you be?" Christopher asked the girl who was with his son.

"This is my fri-" Chris began.

"Delilah Tomaro," she interrupted. She put out her hand assuming he'd want to shake it.

Christopher looked flustered. Delilah brought her hand back to her side.

"Son, get inside. I think it's time you leave, Delilah," Christopher hounded.

"Come by tomorrow or something, Chris." Delilah kissed his cheek and began down the street again.

Christopher put down his cigar in an ash tray and brought his son inside.

"What was that about?" Chris asked angrily.

"Upstairs," Christopher replied. Susan shot a look from the couch and then the two boys scurried upstairs.

Chris sat on his bed. His father followed him inside and closed the bedroom door.

"How could you treat a gi-" Chris started the arguing.

"She's your sister!" Christopher said shutting him up real quick.

"What?" Chris stumbled and stuttered over his words.

"That's my other child, Chris. How did you not realize?"

"How was I supposed to know? She's the one?"

Christopher nodded slowly. Chris lie back on his bed and let go an expense of air. Christopher left the room without saying another word.

Chris felt confused. He'd liked Delilah from the first time him and Patrick saw her, and this whole time the girl was his half-sister. He felt uncomfortable about kissing her.

Chris fell asleep quickly, but he didn't stay that way for long. A little after midnight he jumped awake. His parents were surely in bed by now so he decided to go fix things.

He retraced his steps back to Paulie's house and knocked on the door, Delilah answered.

"Chris!" She said in a voice mixed with excitement and confusion.

"I need to talk to you," Chris explained.

"Okay," She said worried. She stepped outside and closed the door, the two sat on the stairs. "What's wrong?"

"I'm your brother," Chris told her without beating around the bush.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your father left your mother because my ma was pregnant with his child. It's a lot, I know."

"You should leave," Delilah did sternly.

"Delilah I know it's a lot to handle, but don't be upset with me."

"Your father ruined my life! You don't understand what I went through. Don't come back here again!" Delilah stormed back inside slamming the door behind her.

Chris hadn't known that that she had troubles and he couldn't even begin to imagine what she was talking about. He decided to just go home and sleep on it. Maybe his father could clear some things up in the morning.

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