Part 10 - A Better Life

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"Babe, is Gina awake?" Delilah hollered from the kitchen.

"I've got her," Tony responded.

Delilah turned around and there was her husband with their daughter in hand.

It had been nine years since they'd first moved to Mexico and everyone had taken quite nicely.

"Everyone's comin' by today, right," Tony asked as Delilah dried her hands.

"Yeah, they should be here any minute," Delilah said as the doorbell rang.

She ran to the front door and Tony slowly followed behind her. She opened it and Gillian and her fiancé, Francisco, were waiting. Delilah hugged he two and invited them inside. They talked until the doorbell rang again. This time it was Paulie and Elizabeth, with their three children Hannah and Paulie, who were three year old identical twins, and Leo, who was three months old. They joined the others. Finally Chris and Amber arrived, they were scheduled to marry in a month.

Mexico had served them well. They were able to focus on new goals and forget about the past. For once in their lives everything was alright. They had yet to talk about the past because they didn't want to bring up old memories, but after nine years Tony decided it was time to.

"I think we can all agree that the problems we ran away from are gone now," he started.

Everyone agreed.

"Let's make a toast," he suggested to Delilah.

She quickly got up and grabbed a bottle of white wine and some glasses. She poured everyone a glass.

"To a better life and finally finding home!" He said.

"Cheers!" Everyone exclaimed and drank.

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