The Kids

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Ok, I definitely should NOT have slept in a monster infested area.

I was currently stuck on the tree I had slept in, only to wake up and find myself surrounded by hellhounds.

Could I fight them? Yes.
Do I want to? No.

Before I could do anything, I heard voices.
Apparently, the hellhounds did too, and the sudden screaming of the voices starteld them, making them scramble off.

I went to go investigate the voices, and I stumbled upon something I wish I hadn't.

There was a man and a woman, both dressed in black, dragging a beaten up child behind them while fighting about how far they should drag them so they woudnt be found by the police.

The boy noticed me, apparently, because he screamed out. The two adults turned around frantically, looking at me, before dropping the boy and running off.

I was tempted to go run after them, but the boy caught my eye once more and I sighed. I tried to go closer to him, but he kept backing up. Telling him to try to calm down I gave him some space, before i saw something, or rather someone, in his arms.

He was cradling a child.

Noticing my intresting in the smaller human, he spoke up.

"Oi! Wh-who are you, and why are you here?"

He was shaking when he said it. I smiled sadly at the boy, he looked like he'd been through alot. With his disheveled black hair and electric blue eyes, I could also say he was quite the looker. He had on torn clothes with, I presumed his jacket, swaddling the younger child. He looked to be around nineteen.

The child in his arms, with what I could see, looked like he had also been hurt. Small cuts and wounds covered him. He also had black hair. I coudnt see the eye color because he had them closed. The child looked around four.

I answered back, "My names Percieus, but you can call me Perci. As for why you're here, I don't know. Do you know the people that dragged you here?"

"No. All I know is that they're the only people I know. They never mentioned their names"

"Who's the other boy," I asked gesturing towards the child in his arms, "Is he your brother?"

"I don't know. Maybe. I don't know anything anymore." He answered back, shaking his head.

I looked at him in sadness. How could someone do this to another living being?
Taking out Riptide and moving it to the side of me, I-

"Um, what do you think your doing?! You're not going to come near me with that-that sword!"

He could see it? He's a demigod? Or maybe, a clear sighted mortal? I sighed. I could ask him questions later. Right now, I need to get us to safety.

"Look, I know you don't trust me, but could you please follow me? You have nowhere else to go, and I swear I won't hurt you. I swear on the River of Styx. Please, I don't want you or the child to end up dead when I know I could've prevented it from happening." I pleaded.

He blushed and stood up. I took that as he was going to follow, and lead the way. I had no idea where I was going, i was honestly just following gut feeling. Surprisingly, no animals/monsters attacked us.

..................time skip................

It was a peaceful walk from there to the cave. I went in first, making sure no animals were resting before letting him know he could come in. I moved some HUGE boulders in front of the entrance to keep out the other animals, and when we were finally in, the boy let out a string of questions.

"What are you?"
"How'd you know this was here?"
"Can you help us?"
"Why do you have a sword?"
"Do you have any food, water, or clothes?"
"How old are you?"
"Are you single?"

The last question cough me off guard and I looked at him dubiously.

"What? It's always good to know extra information!" He said, giving me a wolfish grin.

"Um, I'm a demi-god, I'll explain later. I didn't know this was here, I just had a feeling. I can help you, you just have to trust me. I have a sword because I need something to defend myself with. I have water and food, but no clothes. I'm 18, and finally, yes, I am single."

"Wooo! Anyway, what's a demigod?"

I was surprised at his side change of attitude. Just two minutes ago, wasn't he trembling and whimpering? Wasn't he scared? I answered anyway.

"Well, you see, gods aren't exactly the best at keeping it in their pants, besides those who have oaths, and they end up having offspring. Those offspring end up being half God, half mortal."

"Woah." He looked awed. "Why do you need to defend yourself, and what kinds of gods are we talking about?"

"Well, do you know the story of the Greek Gods?" He nodded and I sighed in relief, "well we're talking about those gods. And I need my sword, Riptide, so I don't die. Along with gods, there's monsters. Bloodthirsty monsters who want nothing more than to kill you.

He nodded in thought, processing everything I told him. 

"Now, my question!" I told him, excited that I was finally going to cure my curiosity.

As I was going to ask it, however a bright light filled the air.

Word count: 945
Updated: 1.19.18
Hey lovelies! It's mah birthday so I seceded to give! Bye my lovely little roses, hope you liked the chapter💜💜💜

My new chapter...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant