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  I turned around as soon as I saw the blinding whiteness invade the darkness of the cave. Standing there was someone I never thought I would see. Dressed in all black with the darkest skin was Chaos, creator of all. Who wouldn't recognize this Devine being. He was the the actual God, If you would. A man who could destroy all and rebuild it within seconds with the snap of his fingers was standing directly in front of me.

"Hello, young one. Do you need the assistance of a divine being on this fine day?"

I shook my head no, Wanting him to leave. His presence was overwhelmingly powerful. It made it hard to breath with his aura of power. It seemed to press down on your shoulders, as if it was showing you the burden of carrying such copious amounts of it.

Like a wise one always said, 'With great power, comes great responsibility.'

  Lord chaos looked past me and at the boy and his child. He analyzed them both before saying, "I am truly sorry, Damian. For I could not protect my own son, nor his brother."

Chaos look down in defeat and I looked on in amazement. How? Why? He then turned his head towards me once more and thanked me.

"If it wasn't for you my son would have ended up in a bad position, or even worse...dead."

I shook my head. Lord chaos was thanking me for rescuing his son? And his sons brother...? This was all very confusing, and evidently to much for my brain to handle because a few moments later it overheated and I passed out.

--time skip--

I woke up in a dark room. You could vaguely see the moon light through the window. At least, I hope it was moonlight. I didn't know where I was right now, and I was eager to find out so I could leave.

A man came through a door I hadn't noticed before. Looking at him, I realized it was the boy I had rescued before.

"Azazel." He said I gave him a confused look.
"My name. It's Azazel. I just found it out. My...father told me." He cringed while saying father. I guess I could understand. It's hard to just to someone who was never there to pop up in your life and claim your the best thing since food.

  I smiles at him though, and pat an area on the bed beside me. He came and sat down and we started talking. There wasn't anything in particular we were talking about, but if felt good to just talk. No battle plans, no rebuttals when someone called me stupid or weak. Just talking. As we were talking though, another person cam through the door.

She was really beautiful. She had pale pink skin and dark purple, almost black markings on her face. Her eyes were a crystal blue, contrasting to her markings and she stood at a good 6'7, towering over me and Azazel.

"Prince Azazel, princess Percieus, you are needed in The thrown room." Her voice threw me off a little. It was deep, but a good kind of deep. Husky almost. It drew me in and wrapped around me in a kind of comforting embrace. Standing I stood in front of Azazel and offered him my hand. He took it with a grin and we stated off, following her to what we assumed was the thrown room.

  I turned to him and whispered,"Princess Percieus?" He grinned at me once more, but this one looked more nervous. 

"Just walk."


"So, while we're walking to wherever the hell we're walking to, can I get an explanation as to why I was called...princess?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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