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"And so, lord,
Where do I
Put my hope?
My only hope
Is in you.",
-Psalms 39:7.

Have you ever been sad?
No, scratch that.
Have you ever just -
Sat down somewhere and just became sad?

And then you sit there trying to figure out why you are sad in the first place.

Maybe you bring up emotions - negative emotions you felt about a crush.

Or something personal that happened to you that just makes you upset.

But at least for me, it's never really those reasons either.

It's like, why do I have to make excuses to be sad?

Would you do the same if you were happy?

I'm just sad ...


"So Louis, what did you think of that verse your sister read for the family?",Louis' father asks as he bites into his sunny side up eggs.

Louis finishes his sip of orange juice and puts down the glass.

"Well, it's about hope, and faith",Louis responds.

"Yes, but that's a bit to broad.",Louis' dad says.

Louis' mom cuts her eyes at Louis' dad from across the marble dinning room table.

Louis' palms start to get sweaty under the table as he rubs them off on his trousers.

"Dear, can we just finish breakfast?",Louis' mother asks.

Louis' sister - Lottie speaks up saying," I think it's about putting your hope in god only",.

"Yes, that's true. But Louis, if you are ever going to become the leader of this church, you have to be able to stand your ground and tell the people what the verses you speak about mean. God is very broad and he put me and you here, on this earth to tell the people what he- truly means",Louis' dad explains.

"Yeah.. I know dad",Louis says as he takes a deep breath.

"Don't trouble yourself too much Louis, you'll get there. Soon hopefully",Louis' dad replies.

Louis nods.

Again with the jabs.

Soon hopefully.
Soon hopefully.

Louis bites his lip.

Louis knew that his dad wanted to pass down his church to Louis when he turned the age of twenty.

And being the age of 19, with a birthday in December when it's the middle of May...

Louis didn't have much time left.

The church was Louis' dad pride and glory.

Louis' dad came to this small town and build his church from the ground up.

He put in his time and money - his everything into this church.

All he wanted to do was to help people.

And Louis' dad felt like he did just that.

But Louis' dad is getting older.

Time is passing by and Louis' dad wants to pass down his legacy.

But Louis' dad can't do that if he feels as if Louis isn't ready.

And Louis truly isn't.

The thought of talking to the whole town and telling them what they should do and what they shouldn't -

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