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Ms. Greene stands off stage as she watches her lead male role.

Ms. Greene always thought the boy was special.

She had a sweet spot for him.

Louis rolls his eyes to give his next line more effect.

"Simple's right, too bad his brains are in his biceps",

Louis' lines as Danny Zuko just roll off his tongue.

Louis always carried a spark everywhere he went.

And people seemed to notice.

"And cut! Alright everyone that was a great practice. Make sure to grab all your stuff and Louis, can I have a word with you?",Ms. Greene- the acting teacher says.

Louis nods his head in response.

"That was really good",Niall smiles as he pats his best friend on the back.

"Thank you",Louis responds to his co- star in the school's play of "Grease".

Liam joins the two with his back pack on his shoulder.

Liam also plays a T-bird like Niall.

"What do you say we meet up after school Saturday?",Liam asks.

"Can't, I normally preach with my father and I can't get out of it. But I can do Tuesday night",Louis replies as he takes a sip from his water bottle.

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