Pokemon Go

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I was walking on the streets of Ireland with Jack. He had a jacket and hat on because of how cold it is.

We were walking aroumd playing Pokemon and leveling up.

We stopped because he found a Drowzy and once it was caught we continued walking and stopped at an ice cream shop.

My phone buzzed and I looked at it.

There is a Pokemon nerby

I pulled up the app but didnt see any. I moved the screen around until it landed on Jack.

He was eating a Pikachu Popsicle and had a cookie that looked like a pokeball. His hat was on backwards like Ash, and he was wearing black gloves with the fingers cut out.

I laughed at the Irish dork and he noticed. He looked around him and laughed to. He raised the cookie in the air, pretending to throw it at the Pikachu.

I took a picture and posted it on Instagram.

Pokemon Go can really change a person...I don't see the difference. Jack. :) ♡♡ @Jack_Septic_Eye

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