The One Who Got Away

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Uggghhh WHY! I wanted this to happen to me last night but this morning I woke up and was like, "HAHA, bish you thought! I don't want to anymore."

And so far 2 people have nominated me to do this 13 questions tag we go, because we are going to get reeeaaal personal.

here we go, because we are going to get reeeaaal personal

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1. My name is yeahhh not gonna tell you but it starts with a T because my parent were having twins. They needed to names to rhyme so it was just T and K until they found out the twin behind me actually was a boy. Sadly he did not make it.

2. My favorite color has been blue since I was yanked out the womb.

3. I have social anxiety.

4. I watch a lot of anime.

5. I ship Nalu, Gralu, Stinglu, Rolu, Galu, Chenry, Jaele, and Micky.

6. Im 12. You probably had another description of me, I mean I go into the store and get asked if I'm 8 or 9.

7. I have an internal battle with myself from liking some of the boys that have gotten famous from YouNOW or Today I don't know who it is.

8. I have an older sister who isn't that much taller than me.

9. I'm either 4'10 or 4'11 probably even shorter.

10. My birthday is in October.

11. If I get too cold I my hand cramps up.

12. I love to draw.

13. I want to be an actress and a singer.

I guess I nominate anyone and everyone has been tagged recently I think so.... OH WELL!🙃 I'm pretty sure you don't have to do it again...but I nominate these people:


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