Chapter 30

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"Wait, what?" Ravil asked, feeling dumbstruck. Had he really just read that?

"I've been saving money. I'm coming to America." Artem replied. 

"For real?" Ravil asked.

"For real." Artem answered. 

"When?" Ravil pressed. 

"Day after tomorrow. Can we meet at like, Starbucks or something?" Artem asked.

"You're not gonna kill me or anything, are you?" Ravil asked. "This isn't some Internet safety PSA?"

"Of course not. I won't even have weapons. Can't get those through airport security, remember?" Artem replied.

"I guess you're right. Not some Nigerian 419 scam either?" Ravil queried.

"No. If it makes you more comfortable, we can meet at the police office." Artem said. 

"Sure." Ravil opened his web browser and found the local police office's address, then sent it to Artem. "Here you go."

Otkroveniye Complex // Book 1 of the Takaryev SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now