Chapter 14- Parent Time?

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Jason's POV

     "No butt's May, you have to stay here with Jerome, Mitch, Sarah, Derek, Ricky, and Lilly."

     "But I want to see dad again!" May said, tearing up. I sighed and hugged her.

     "I know you want to see dad again, but it's not going to be him. I had two dads, and this is the dad that left mom and I before she married the dad you know," I said. May stopped crying and looked up at me with wide eyes. She didn't complain again, but she quietly sat at table, followed by Sarah who tried to help her. I had never wanted to tell her that.


     After a while of walking and searching a cave, we found a stronghold. It was extremely old with moss growing from between bricks, there were cracks in the bricks, even squeaks- wait squeaks?!

     "Tex, I think there are silverfish nearby, I hear their squeaks.." I said. SHe nodded and pushed on some stones, some sliding a few inches, others not budging.

     "The ones that don't slid are real, the ones that slide are silverfish, we gotta be close if most of these are silverfish blocks..." she said and turned a corner, "oh... well... here we are!" We turned the corner and saw that the portal has been lit and silverfish spawner destroyed.

     "Oh no... Someone's been to the End.." Ty said.

     "Calm down, we don't know if she's dead or not, and if they didn't take the egg, we just need redstone, a lever, and a regeneration potion," Tex said, he nodded, "Now, let's go," she jumped in as soon as she said that, all of us soon following.

     ~Tex's POV~

     I landed with a thud on a small three by three obsidian platform. I looked around and saw the Ender Dragon sitting on top of an obsidian tower healing.

     The guys landed on top of me, since I wasn't paying attention. I groaned and they stood up, Ian helping me up afterwards.

     "Sorry Tex...." they said, rubbing the back of there necks or looking down.

     "It's fine. C'mon let's go," I said hoping to the endstone a meter away, or in Minecraft terms a block away, "Hey Ender!" I yelled at her, she slowly opened her eyes, smoke coming from her nostrils. Oh yeah... she hates me...

(This chapter is long overdue >~> I'm sorry, I'm not addicted to Pokemon Go, mainly because my ipod sucks and I can't play on it, but I do have Pokemon Y and I've been playing that and I'm just lazy....)

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