Chapter 21- The Battle

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~Lilly's POV~

I was surrounded by wither skeletons and backed into a corner by them. I was trying my best to not get hit by them. I had no potions and I didn't want to get the wither effect, so my only option was to not get hit and strike when I could. Only problem, they were too fast for me and dodged my attacks.

Just then the wither skeletons turned to a pile of bones, coal and the random skull or stone sword. I looked up to see Jason above me and swiftly jump down.

"You okay Lilly?" Jason asked. I nodded quickly.

"The others need our help. I can get the magma slimes," he nodded and rushed off to take on the rest of the wither skeletons attacking the group, while I went for the magma slimes.

The magma slimes were somewhat easy to kill, three strikes for the big ones, two for the medium ones, and a kick to the face for the small ones.

Once I was done fighting them, I saw Tex fighting Seto. Ian, Adam, Ty, and Jason were fighting blazes, wither skeletons, and a few ghasts while Ricky, Derek, May, and Sarah were fighting slimes and pigmen. I decided the kids could fight off the mobs while I helped the others.

~Herobrine's POV~

I decided now was a good as time as ever to make my appearance. I teleported into the midst of the battle and behind Tex. I made my sword appear and slashed at her back.

"GAH!" she yelled and fell to her knees. She held her side and attempted to get back up but Seto kicked her sword out of her hand and into the lava. WIth a satisfying sizzle it burnt and Tex could no longer summon that sword.

"Tex!" a few of them shouted. Seto was able to push her over on the corner of a nether brick, hitting the cut.

"NO!" one yelled and ran over to attempt to protect her. Jeb's son.

"Hmm... It seems you've taken a liking to my daughter," I said, smirking evilly. He just glared at me, "how about a deal, hmm? You help me escape the Nether and I'll let you be with her, otherwise I will kill her."

"Ian-" she started, but I teleported her away, to her room at my castle.

~Adam's POV~

Ian ran over to fight Herobrine and Seto to save Tex. I was going to help but the netherrack blew to smithereens by a ghast. The gap was five blocks, one too many to jump across. I took out my bow and arrow and shot the ghasts, only to be hit by a sword. A wither skeleton sword. I fell to the ground clutching my side.

"Adam!" Jason yelled and ran over. He killed the wither skeletons around me, I could feel the wither effect take place. Then, everything went black.

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