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"Who-" I tried to say but I was interrupted by banging at the door. Arthur looked at it with a fear in his face that I've never seen in someone before. "Help me with the door! It won't hold!" He yelled. I was helping him with the door when it bust open and knocked me on the ground.
My head must've hit the ground really hard because my vision went blurry and my ears started ringing. Looking up I saw this hideous person crawling after me. It's face was so rotten it couldn't have been human. It was to far from human. This creature was now on top of me and was about to...bite me. I tried holding it off but I didn't have a lot of strength. Right when I thought I was done for, Arthur smashed the creatures head in. It got back up but Arthur stomped on his head.
He then helped me up. "You alright?"
"Yea, I think so. Thanks. I was gonna tell you no and to be on your way, but now that you saved me, I'll go with you. We leave before it gets dark." I said.
"Good idea." He says.
"It's not safe at night." I respond.
When we left the house to find a safe place we saw what looked to be a road filled with abandoned cars.
"Search the cars. See if you can find anything useful." He asked.
We both started to look through the cars. I came across a pickup trip and tried opening the door. Locked. Why wouldn't it be. The only way I was gonna get in is if I broke the window. I searched for something to break the window with. Eventually I found a wrench and smashed the window in.
Looking into the car I saw nothing. I sighed with disappointment. I looked in the glovebox only to find some adhesive tape and 3 shotgun shells. I put both in my pocket and moved on to the next car.
   This time the car was unlocked. Inside I found a water bottle that was almost empty. I put that in my backpack and searched the glove box. Nothing. I opened the trunk to find a dead body...without a head. I nearly tripled my self running from the car and throwing up. That was the most disturbing thing I've ever seen. When I looked back in the trunk next to the headless body was a black shotgun. It had a strap so I put around my shoulder to give it to Arthur.
   Right when I was heading back to Arthur, I heard groans and moan. I turned around to see those...things coming out of a house. I went into crawl position and went to Arthur. I asked him if he found anything. He said he found a car that could still work but it was stuck and he needed someone to push it out. We quickly started to push the car and finally, after a minute, the car moved.
   Hearing the moans get louder, I looked up to see those lurkers within 10 feet of us. Frantically panicking I exclaimed at Arthur, "We need to go!" He responded, "I'm working on it!"
   "Well work faster!" I hissed.
   "I got it!" He said with joy.
   "Great! Let's get out of here!" I exclaimed. As we got the engine started al of the lurkers came after us. Arthur put the car in drive and sped off.
   "That was too close for comfort!" I said
   "Yea no kidding." He said back to me.
I told him about the shotgun and handed it him but he told me to keep it.
   "You'll need it." He said. 

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