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Tuesday | 15:16

Natsu leaned against one of the school's dusty-brick walls, waiting for Gray to make an appearance. He was texting Sting and to say that Sting was excited, on Natsu's behalf, would be an understatement. The boy was literally buzzing. Pun unintended.


Sting Eucliffe: I cannot believe you actually agreed to study with Gray Fullbuster after school!!

Natsu Dragneel: how else are we supposed to get this stupid project done? I don't get why you're so pumped?

Sting Eucliffe: it's so rare for you to communicate with another human (who isn't me or Lucy of course)!! Have fun, be nice and tell me EVERYTHING.

Natsu Dragneel: yeah yeah whatever. talk later.


The pink-haired boy locked his phone and scuffed his left shoe on the pavement, impatiently waiting for his project partner to arrive. He did – after a few long minuets.

"Hey!" Natsu looked up to see Gray, with flushed cheeks and messy uniform. He ran a hand through his matted hair and inhaled deeply. "Should we get going?"

Natsu nodded once and Gray began to lead him to where his old truck was parked, in the school's parking lot. Natsu envied Gray for being able to drive. He wasn't allowed to, as apparently it would 'put his safety at risk'.

"You don't talk much, do you?" The raven-haired boy chuckled as he stuck his key in the ignition. The vehicle began to grumble loudly and the engine spluttered, causing Natsu to flinch. He felt his cheeks heat up.

"No. I don't." The pinkette answered bluntly and stared out of the window, signalling that the conversation was over. Gray didn't understand the signal and continued speaking, persistently.

"Why is that?"

"Doesn't matter."

Gray laughed a little, taking his eyes off of the road to glance at the boy sat beside him, for only a split second. "You interest me Dragneel. So tell me."

Natsu snorted unattractively and rolled his eyes, "I'm sure you'll find out at some point." Instantly, a rosy blush crept onto his cheeks, as he realised it sounded almost as if he was flirting with Gray.

"Sounds like a challenge!" The ravenette spoke, hands on the wheel, oblivious to Natsu's obvious embarrassment. "I'll take it." Eventually, after what seemed like forever. he pulled into the other boy's driveway as instructed to. Natsu quickly hopped out of the truck and rushed to enter his home, desperate to get out of the vehicle, with Gray trailing leisurely behind him.

"Hello baby!" Grandina greeted the boy's, scurrying from the kitchen, an apron tied around her waist and flour smeared on her cheeks. She was evidently baking with Natsu's younger sister, Wendy. "Oh! A friend?" Her eyebrows knitted together at the sight of Gray as he wasn't the most friendly looking. Natsu nodded and grabbed the taller boy's wrist, desperate to escape his mother, before she sucked him into a deep conversation.

"Sorry mom. Can't talk. We really gotta start working on this project!" Natsu called, as he proceeded to sprint up the large marble staircase, two at a time.

He looked behind him to see Gray admiring his unnecessarily large abode, in which his extremely rich father had funded for. He stared at the low-hanging crystal chandeliers, stained glass windows and fancy decor that enhanced every surface and every shelf. It was a shame that Igneel was never home to admire it's magnificence for himself.

Natsu let out a shallow sigh and dragged the raven-haired boy into his bedroom, locking the door behind them.

"Right," he spoke, clapping his hands together once. "Let's get started."


Tuesday | 19:59

The boys had planned to do their project on economical changes, which was the idea that they had stuck to, but they were repeatedly getting distracted.

Sting was right, as always, because Gray wasn't as cold and heartless as Natsu believed he would be. He was actually a fantastic conversationalist.

"What do you plan on doing after graduation?" Gray asked, taking a bite of a blueberry protein bar, which he had stolen from Natsu's secret protein bar stash that he hid under his bed in an empty biscuit tin.

The pink-haired boy felt his body instantly tense up. He opened his mouth and closed it again because he hated that question. The answer wasn't something that anybody enjoyed hearing. So, instead of giving a proper answer, he simply shrugged and looked down at his lap, "what about you?"

"I'm going to college," Gray took another bite. "I mean, I haven't received my acceptation letter yet, but I hope to get into Magnolia Seas Academy!" He flashed a smile.

Natsu nodded, but remained silent, once again. His mind had drifted to a dark place at the mention of graduation. His illness. He tried to knock the sickening thoughts from his head, but he was unable to do so and soon tears were stinging behind his eyes, threatening to roll down his cheeks.

"Natsu?" Gray raised a thick eyebrow at the pink-haired boy, swallowing the last mouthful of blueberry bar. "Are you alright?"

Realising he had nothing to loose, Natsu shook his head, feeling his soft face crumple disastrously. "No. I'm not alright."

Gray's mouth formed an 'o' shape and he shifted awkwardly over to where the sobbing boy was sat, propped up against his bed. He stiffly draped an arm around Natsu's shoulder, causing him to abruptly start wailing even louder into the crook of Gray's neck. He didn't mind though as he was used to situations similar to this one.

The raven-haired boy waited patiently for Natsu to cease crying, before asking him what was wrong.

Flushed and embarrassed, the sick boy wriggled away from Gray and wiped his teary eyes with the hem of his shirt, before clearing his swollen throat.

"You know about my illness, right?" He took a shuddery breath, preparing to spill his deepest secret to a boy he barely even knew. Gray hesitated before nodding, a crimson blush dusting his cheeks.

Of course he knew about Natsu's illness – who didn't? Everybody in Magnolia knew.

"Well," the pinkette's voice was quieter than he anticipated and he could feel a lump forming at the base of his throat. "I'm not just sick... I'm dying."

And he abruptly started crying again.


A/N ♥︎ im not crying you are ;3; this chapter was kinda short, im sorryy!! tomorrow is my last day of school until summer so prepare for frequent updates. Remember to vote and comment, ily all // ♥︎ L


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