Dan Taylor's Top 5 Dating Tips

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Hi my name’s Dan Taylor, and I’ve been asked here to give you my top tips on dating.

My best pal Rob has suggested this is like asking the captain of the Titanic to do a column on open seas navigation.

He may have a point.

But I have been on my share of dates, and I think that I’ve learned something from them (incidentally, if you do ever find yourself on the way home from a date thinking ‘well, that was a learning experience’, you can be pretty sure it didn’t go too well).

So here they are, Dan Taylor’s Top 5 Dating Tips (it was going to be ten, but honestly, after this I got nothing…):

1.)    You’ve probably heard the expression you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. Well, if you ever find yourself on a date with someone who talks like that, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY, before they start on even worse aphorisms, like dance like no-one’s watching.

2.)    If you’re on a date, never dance like no-one’s watching. Particularly if Rockin’ Robin comes on. No-one needs to see that.

3.)    Embrace differences, and don’t assume everyone is going to be like you, or have the same beliefs and views. But say, for example, you’re on a date with someone who is a passionate advocate of urine therapy (it’s a thing, I had to look it up…) perhaps best to kiss them goodbye as soon as possible. But not on the lips.

4.)    If a date does go well, don’t be sucked into any notions of what’s a cool length of time to leave it before calling to say you had a great time and to set up another date. However, leaving a voicemail to say you can’t wait to see her again when she’s just popped to the loo on the date itself is not cool. Apparently.

5.)    Any affectations you put on for a first date will have to become part of your personality FOR LIFE if it goes well and you end up seeing that person again. Bear that in mind if you don’t really like going to three-hour movies with subtitles, or aren’t really a hat person.

Oh, and one bonus tip. If you do meet someone who seems perfect for you, who can make you laugh, and who you can completely be yourself with, make sure they are single. Life can get awfully complicated if they’re not…

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2013 ⏰

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