chapter one

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I guess i never noticed that my hearing has adjusted to my surroundings, ive been here so long it just fades. I no longer can hear the screams, or the sound of pulling chains, or the sound of whips, or the sounds of spilling blood. Its all gone. Right now all i hear is a fuzzy sound. My head aches but im used to that. My body aches but it feels more numb than anything. I stare blankly at all that is happening in front of me. There are all sorts of people chained to bloody tables, they struggle and scream as the masked men cut into them or hit them or stab them. And then there are the people chained to the wall like me, they are all nude and covered in blood. They are exhausted and in a state of numbness just like me. We all take turns going from pain to numb and again and again. Theres really no end other than death. And we cant choose when we die, so we are just stuck. Stuck in this endless cycle of misery.

If you dont understand what i am saying, then let me put it out for you. I am in a place where they torture humans just like me every single day. Ive been here for so long but i cant seem to be able to tell you how long. All together i think ive counted twenty of us, and when someone dies they always get a newbie to replace them. The new test subjects always scream and cry the loudest. We all are placed by numbers and do not have names, i am six. At least thats what they call me, i dont remember my real name, or anything for that matter. All i know is this torture, nothing else. What ive comprehended from my situation is that we are all test subjects in a healing medication test. They inject us with something each time before torturing us. And apparently the feeling of pain is supposed to make the meds kick in. Im not sure who the people who brought us here are or where exactly i am but i do know that they are messed up people and seem to enjoy causing us pain. They are really messed up. But thats my situation.

Ive figured out alot of the people around me too. 4 looks about 19 years old and tends to pass out alot, i would say shes lucky, i barely ever pass out. 5 look like he is about 6 years old and seems to have a fear of needles, he is young but he seems to handle the pain pretty well, he always just shuts his eyes very tight and clenches his fists, he doesnt scream very often. Then theres me in the 6th slot im 18 i think.. Next to me is 7 she looks about 11 and this girl tends to cry alot, she also does this thing where she will sing when shes chained to the wall, she just lets her head hang and she sings a song that seems to be in another language, its a very pretty song. Next to her is eight, she looks about 30 and tends to murmur to herself, i think shes lost it. There are others but its dark and they are out of my line of sight but once i heard a boys voice towards slot one speak outloud saying "hey everyone, i just want to let you know that im going to leave soon, i think this is the end for me. I think im going to die tomorrow." And that was all he ever said. Im not sure what happened.

I dont understand why this is happening to me or what made these people do this but i think there is money involved, and alot of it. These people are being paid to do this.

But i guess none of that matters because i will never escape, im trapped.


I woke up and opened my eyes, i looked beside me and saw seven but the eight slot was empty today. She must of passed away in her sleep. I know i should feel sad but the only thing i feel is jelous. Dying here is like a blessing.

I looked to the other side and saw five looking out into the darkness, just staring. He looked over at me and blinked slowly he whispered "i made a wish"

I stared at him for a moment surprised he could talk so clearly. This boy has been through so much, and even though we speak maybe once a week i feel a connection to him like a sister.

I coughed and whispered back "what wish?" I said in a croaky voice.

He looked out at the darkness again "my wish will be here soon. I know it."

I nodded, feeling too tired to speak again. I let my head fall and went back to sleep.

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