Chapter 6

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As soon as it was just us four in the room, Kriss and Merci ran into each others arms.

"Are you ok?" Robert asked, "we heard that you got hurt. Who did it?"

Merci shook her head.

"Ok what's going on?" I asked them all.

Kriss sighed, "15 years ago when Serafina was just born dad met a woman out in the cold rain. He took her here, to the palace, and got her a job as a maid. At night, when our mother was drunk and passed out, he would go to see her and use her for his pleasurable desires. Nine months latter she gave birth to two baby girls, Merci and Speranza. 

"Everyday on their birthday our dad would go and see them. On their 11th birthday he took them each out for an hour separately. When he was with Merci he accidentally ran into Robert and I. He introduced us, thinking that he wouldn't tell us that she was our sister, but Robert asked why she looked like me and him, so he told us the truth." 

Princess Kriss looked at the ground so Prince Robert continued for her, "Then he left us with Merci to get to know her better. He then went to be with Speranza, they went into the woods. But just as soon as they went in there, there was a rebel attack. Almost a day latter our dad came back. 

"He was all dirty and was hurt in several places. He had apparently got attacked, he was able to hide, but they took Speranza away. The thing about the Rebels is that they never have hostages, they only kill the ones that they take."

I looked over to Merci and she was crying, along with Kriss. They were holding each other tightly, as if holding someone would take all the bad thing away.

"That's really sad. I'm so sorry that happened to your sister Merci," I said. "If you ever need anything you can come and be with me ok?"

She nodded.

"We should go back Kriss, our mom and dad will be worried about us," Prince Robert said.

"You're right," princess Kriss sighed. "Be good, Merci, and if you are scared or hurt please go to Flower, she will help you. Right?" She asked me.

"Right, I will help in any way I can."

Their highnesses stood up and left. 

Right when Prince Robert was about to close the door I ran up to him,

"Wait!" I said. "Can Merci speak?" I whispered.

"When she is comfortable enough she will speak to you, if she wants to." He said, not whispering at all.

"I have another question," I say when he starts to walk away.

"Can't it wait for tomorrow, when we are supposed to meet formally?" He whines. I shake my head no. "Fine then make it quick."

"How much does the rebels attack?"

"Every two weeks," he says, "and the last time they came was three weeks ago, so I'd get as much rest as I could if I were you," he snapped at me and walked away, leaving me gaping at him as more and more questions filled my mind.


I woke up to hear a alarm go off. Thinking it was time to get up I looked to my left where the window was it was still dark out. Huh that's odd. I thought. I started to go back to sleep when my three maids ran into the room.

"Lady Flower you need to get up," stated Maria.

"Why?" I asked cautiously, as Merci and Maya locked the door and barricaded it.

"Cause the rebels are here!" Said Maya. "We need to get you into the safe room. Now!"

"How do we get there?" I asked as I slipped my slippers on.

"There is no we," Maria said, "just you."

Merci and Maya started pushing me toward a wall as Maria ran her hands over a painting.

"No!" I said stopping in my tracks, "You girls are coming with me!"

Maria opened the painting up, inside was a passage way. "My lady we can't argue we have to go now!"

All the sudden a loud pounding on the door made us all jump. The door was breaking, Merci and Maria were franticly pulling me toward the door, but the door broke and a man wearing all black with a purple mask came in. As soon as he saw us he tried to grab the closest one to us, which was Merci. I pushed her out of the way having the man grab me. He took both my wrists in one hand and took my neck in his other. Big mistake. I took both my wrists out of his hand, used one hand to punch him in the face multiple times. While he was distracted I took my other hand and used it to get his hand off my neck. As soon as I did I kicked him right where it hurt. That's what got him to moan and fall to his knees. I added one more punch to him and killed him.

Right when he landed on the floor a guard ran inside and shot him like he wasn't all ready dead. Dumby did nothing at all I thought about the guard feeling really proud of myself. 

"Are you all right ladi-" he stopped when he saw blood on my knuckles. Not my blood but the man on the floor's blood but he didn't know that.

 He looked up at my face. All I saw were his worried purple eyes.

"Are you ladies o-" he started again

"We are fine!" I said interrupting him.

He nodded and started pushing me toward the safe room. I got out of his way took his wrist and flipped him so he would land on his back.

"I am not going anywhere without my maids," I told him.

He stood up, "I was going to have them go with you anyways," he said like he was annoyed. "It's not safe out here for a bunch of girls."

I grabbed his wrist and flipped him over again. 

"I think I can protect myself," I said leaning down into his face. His eyes turned dark, and he punched me in the eye.

Hearing the punch another guard ran in.

"Winslow! What do you think you're doing?" The guard at ran in asked the one on the ground. Then he noticed my three maids cowering in the corner and me standing near the guard on the floor covering my now swollen eye. 

"Who hurt you?" He asked me.

I didn't want to get Winslow in trouble so I pointed at the dead rebel.

"Would you please go down to the safe room with your maids?" He asked me.

I nodded and went over to my maids. I took Merci's hand and started to walk down the stairs with Maria, Maya, and both the guards that were in my room. One Guard was infront of me along Maria, then was me, then Merci, Maya, and Winslow behind me.

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