Chapter 18

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Authors note

I'd like to do a shout out to BadlandsQueenHalsey for the amazing cover. I just love it!

Alright now that's done.

Kissingonthewall out!


As I walked into Clover's room I was totally surprised.

Usually you'd think a princess would have all things pink and girly and that kinds of stuff. But this princess was totally different.

Her entire room was a dark blue. There were posters of different bands on the walls. Everything in the room looked normal except it all had a dark color. The bad was down low and it was a dark blue color with dark green bed sheets. A desk was in one corner of the room and it was a dark red color. Probably the brightest thing in this room was us.

I felt a stare on me, so I turned to see Clover.

I eyed the younger girl. She had green eyes, tan skin, and strawberry blonde hair. She was wearing a green dress that went down to her knees.

This girl couldn't possibly live in this room.

"Surprised?" Clover asked me.

"Very," I answered.

She laughed.

"Why so dark?" I asked her. "I mean you seem like a fun person who sees only good in people. Not some dark person."

"Well, I guess you can call it dark. But to me it's not that bad. I don't act like a pretty princesses and want pink and say everything is so perfect. Really if someone like that came into power, everything would go down in flames."

I laughed.

"Funny way of saying it," I said.

"But it's true none the less," Clover said.


Suddenly princess Serafina walked in. "Clover, have you seen how beautiful Fl-" she stopped mid word as her eyes settled on me. 

A blush took over her features.

Princess Serafina had golden brown straight hair that went down to her hips. She had a mix between pale and tan skin, and an oval head. Her eyes were a light blue and a dark green. Her body was thin, but she was tall.

"H-hello," she stuttered.

"Flower I'd like you to meet Serafina," said Clover.

"Hi," I said smiling at her.

Serafina blushed again, but tried to hide it this time.

"She gay two," stated clover.

"Clover!" Her sister whisper yelled.

I looked surpisingly at clover.

"That's something you should just tell others about her without asking her first," I said scolding clover.

"Well you might as well know since you'll be staying here for awhile," says Serafina.

I turn back to her surprised. 

"What do you mean?" I ask, slightly suspicious if Robert had told them.

"Robert is really fond of you," said clover, "he keeps on asking us what we think of you."

"And you make him slightly angry and that's something that rarely happens," said Serafina. "He only gets mad at the work he has to do on the rebels."

"Huh," I said. "I never thought he liked me much. Although he might like me, he does seem attracted to Grace Blackwood much more."

"You can't blame him on that though," said Clover. "She's hot, but she knows it. Unlike you."

I raise my eyebrows as my mouth drops, though I cover it up quickly and get up.

"I've had a nice time here ladies, but I'm afraid I must go and get more settled into my room."

They nodd their heads as I walk out of the room and start heading towards the stairs so I can go to my room.

Out of sheer luck, I just happen to run into prince Robert, Prince Corey, and Prince Blake as they all heads out of one room.

"Sorry your highnesses," I say as I curtsied to them and keep going on my way.

"I head down the stairs and to my room. When I walk in the room I immediately go onto my bed and fall asleep. I mean if Clover says I'm beautiful, I might as well get my beauty sleep.

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