Chapter 19

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"Flower. Flower. It's time to get up," says a soft and soothing voice.

I open my eyes and look at the person above me.

And there Maria, her brown hair pulled back into a bun and her dazzling brown eyes looking down on me with total softness.

"Yes?" I ask her.

"Teresa says that lady Moora wants to see you all in the women's room right now," she says.

She moves out of the way as I get up. As soon as I'm up I start heading to the door. I walk down the short hallway and run into Zoey as she comes out of her room.

"Hey Zoey," I say greeting her.

"Hey Flower," she says.

"Do you know what is going on right now?" I ask her.

She shakes her head making her blonde hair move.

Zoey Holly is from Illies I think. Which is the state right next to this one. She is really tall. She has short blonde hair that goes to about her shoulders but her hair is even blonder on the top, I'm guessing is because she spends so much time in the sun. She also has hazel eyes that just makes her seem really happy but like she still has her own secrets.

Zoey and I walk down the stairs in silence and once we get to the women's room everyone is stresses out. I see Hazel and I start walking towards her. She sees me imeadetly and meets me halfway.

"Do you have any idea what's going on?" She asks me.

I shake my head, "no but I don't think it'll be that bad after what happened yesterday."

She nods. "Alexa left yesterday."

"I know, it was so sad. Did she say goodbye to you?" I asked.

Hazel nodded. "She said that she would be cheering for me, and you. And she hopes all goes well for the rest of us here."


Suddenly Lady Moora walks into the room.

"Ladies," she says, "please calm down. I'm only here to give you some anouncements about what's going to happen with dates." 

Almost the whole room sighed in relief.

"Now," she said continuing on, "this process doesn't really do so well. The royal that you would be dating usually would just come and get you on his spare time. But with the rebels it's very difficult to just somehow plan something to happen last minute. So the prince has decided to have five dates each week. Two group dates, meaning some of you will be in a group that he chooses while you ladies as a group go and do those things with him. And then there will be three one on one dates.

"Now on some of these dates he won't know what's going on so you all will figure it out together. And right now I am not only here to give you ladies this message but also to tell you who gets the first group date which is to happen in exactly two hours in the garden.

"Would the following ladies please leave to go get ready," she says as she opens a list. "Jo Fisher, Isabella Dar, Scarrlett Blue, Ella Wison, Emily Bloom, Twilight Crystal, Charrlotte Angeles, Catherine Hilton, Grace Blackwood, Sofa East, and Natalia Iris."

Those girls left and then so did lady Moora, while we were left to be in this room.

I turn to Hazel. "I wonder who will get those one on one dates."

Hazel looks at me with amusement and curiosity in her eyes. 

"I think," she says after a moment of thought. "That you might be one of them."

I scoff. 

"No way would he want to be on a date with me. He should be on a date with you for sure. Plus I don't even like him or want to be in a relationship with anyone right now."

"Well if you don't want to be here then why don't you go home," Hazel asks confused.

"Cause home has way more drama then here." I reply speaking the truth. "I mean my sister would just kill me if I went home cause I didn't want to be here."

"Can you explain that?"

"I mean like my mom and sister always care about our image. If I go home now  plenty of people would think badly of them. I mean this is the palace for gods sake and we've just started this process."

"I can understand that, but like even though they are royals they are still human. You shouldn't play with his feelings."

I laughed. "Please, he already knows I just want to stay cause of image and plus, i mean you have to admit, this place is comfortable."

A smile brightens up Hazel's face. So I decide to switch the topic.

"So what is your home like?" I ask her so I don't have to talk about me anymore.

Hazel talks to me about her home and her family. She lives near the beach and always goes outside she's almost never inside. She likes helping people. Her family is big she has two older brothers, a younger brother and two little sisters. Her mother works as a doctor and likes to help people as well, and her father is a lawyer.

"That's about it," she says laying back a bit more on the couch we had moved to throughout our conversation.

"Sounds like a good life," I say.

Suddenly Hazel bolts upright. 

"Hazel?" I say.

Hazels eyes are looking almost directly behind me so I decide to turn around. 

At the doors there is Princesses Olivia, Kriss, Serafina, and Perla looking around. Almost all chattering stops around us as everyone sees these princesses.

Kriss sees me and Hazel and immediately nudges her older sister and points towards us. Princess Olivia starts walking towards us and the other girls follow her in a line.

"Miss Lee?" Olivia asks as she looks at me.

I get up and do a curtseyfor her. "How may I help you your highness," I say as I put on a smile.

"Well as you should know," she says, "there will be two group dates and three one on one dates . My brother is on one of the group dates now. But tonight there will be a one on one date and we get to plan it and choose who gets to be in it."

"So," says Kriss continuing on from where her sister left off. "We choose you."

"We get to dress you and make you very beautiful and irristable." Says Perla.

"So if you would come with us to start getting ready, please," says Serafina.

I put on a wonderful smile and say ok and off I am pulled. To get ready for a date that I never want.

At least I get to tell him about Hazel.

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